Thank Goodness for Staff Content / Thank Goodness for Staff Content for UC Davis en TGFS: 2023 Logo Done, 2024 Logo Contest Underway /news/tgfs-2023-logo-done-2024-logo-contest-underway <p>The logo you see here, created by Rosa Li of Finance, Operations and Administration, is for this year’s <a href="">Thank Goodness for Staff</a> celebration, coming in May.</p> March 28, 2023 - 12:56pm Dave Jones /news/tgfs-2023-logo-done-2024-logo-contest-underway What a Day! ‘Thank Goodness’ for Staff and the TGFS Organizers /news/what-day-thank-goodness-staff-tgfs-organizers <div>&nbsp; <div class="alert alert--warning text-align-center"><span>Photography by Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis</span></div> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Gunrock mobbed for photos! Twenty-two food trucks serving free lunches! Chancellor Gary S. May in a dunk tank!</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>It could be only one thing: Thank Goodness for Staff on Russell Field, last Wednesday (May 11), under sunshine with just a few clouds rolling by.</span></p></div> May 17, 2022 - 9:14am Dave Jones /news/what-day-thank-goodness-staff-tgfs-organizers TGFS: Good Times, Good Food /news/tgfs-good-times-good-food <p class="MsoListParagraph"><span>Thank Goodness for Staff! And thank goodness this annual celebration, organized by <a href="">Staff Assembly</a>, is back in person after two years of virtual events. And thank goodness it’s here:</span></p> May 10, 2022 - 10:17am Dave Jones /news/tgfs-good-times-good-food TGFS Ticket Orders Due TODAY! /news/tgfs-ticket-orders-due-today <p class="MsoNormal">Today’s the day, folks — Tuesday (April 26) — the last day to order meal tickets for Thank Goodness for Staff, which is being held in person this year after having been forced by the pandemic to go virtual the last two years (virtual, as in no lunch).</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Lunch is back for 2022! The ticket order deadline is four days later than originally announced, thanks to an extension announced by Staff Assembly late last week.</p> April 26, 2022 - 6:29am Dave Jones /news/tgfs-ticket-orders-due-today Cheeto Beckons All to TGFS /news/cheeto-beckons-all-tgfs <div class="align- url-embed"> <div class="responsive-embed"></div> </div> <div slot="column1"> <p>&nbsp;</p></div> April 12, 2022 - 12:37pm Dave Jones /news/cheeto-beckons-all-tgfs TGFS: It’s Virtual, With 1 Exception /news/tgfs-its-virtual-1-exception <p class="MsoNormal">Thank goodness for a Thank Goodness for Staff celebration this year that isn’t completely virtual.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>With an easing of COVID-19 restrictions in our region, TGFS organizers saw an opportunity to treat staff to a drive-in movie, Friday (May 21). Not exactly an in-person event with people from outside your household, </span>but close enough!</p> May 11, 2021 - 12:17pm Dave Jones /news/tgfs-its-virtual-1-exception THE DOWNLOAD: Campus Says Thank-You to Staff /news/download-campus-says-thank-you-staff <p>Chancellor Gary S. May helped thank the people who keep UC Davis running by stepping into the line of fire: a dunk tank at Thank Goodness for Staff, the annual staff-appreciation picnic held Wednesday (May 8) on Russell Field and organized by Staff Assembly.</p> <p>A couple staff members with good aim sent May into the water, and he had a lighthearted message for them afterward.</p> <p>“I got wet,” <a href="">May said in a video posted to Twitter during the event</a>. “That means everyone who dunked me is fired.”</p> May 14, 2019 - 9:00am Cody Kitaura /news/download-campus-says-thank-you-staff COMING UP: TODS (for the kids) and TGFS (for the staff) /news/coming-tods-kids-and-tgfs-staff <p>Picnic Day 2016 has come and gone, but we’ve got more fun in store this spring — for you and your children, and for our hard-working staff.</p> <p><strong><a href="">TODS: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day —</a> </strong>Think of it as a mini-Picnic Day, with many of the same activities, but without so many people! Just the children and other young guests of staff, faculty and students.</p> April 19, 2016 - 12:48pm Dave Jones /news/coming-tods-kids-and-tgfs-staff NEWS BRIEFS: Thank Goodness for Staff (and TGFS sports and contests) /news/news-briefs-thank-goodness-staff-and-tgfs-sports-and-contests <p>You don’t have to wait until the big picnic (Wednesday, May 18) to get into the TGFS spirit. Tennis, volleyball and golf events are scheduled in advance — and sign-ups are underway. The TGFS logo contest is also underway, not for this year’s event, but for next year’s. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Here’s a rundown on the sports events:</p> April 05, 2016 - 12:14pm Dave Jones /news/news-briefs-thank-goodness-staff-and-tgfs-sports-and-contests