Firearm Violence Content / Firearm Violence Content for UC Davis en Chancellor's Statement on Monterey Park Shooting /news/chancellors-statement-monterey-park-shooting <p>I’m devastated by the mass shooting overnight in Monterey Park as Asian Americans were welcoming in Lunar New Year. Gun violence is out of control in this country, and no community should fear being targeted. I grieve with our Asian and Pacific Islander community.</p> January 22, 2023 - 1:29pm mlblouin /news/chancellors-statement-monterey-park-shooting California’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Utilized for 58 Threatened Mass Shootings /news/californias-red-flag-law-utilized-58-threatened-mass-shootings <p>In the wake of the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 children and two teachers dead, legislators in Washington, D.C., and across the country are debating “red flag” laws or extreme risk protection orders, or ERPOs.</p> <p>Such orders, known in California as gun violence restraining orders, or GVROs, are in place&nbsp; in&nbsp;<a href="">19 states and the District of Columbia</a>.</p> June 08, 2022 - 9:39am Andy Fell /news/californias-red-flag-law-utilized-58-threatened-mass-shootings VIDEO ADDED: ‘UC Davis LIVE’ on Gun Violence Research /health/news/media-advisory-uc-davis-live-gun-violence-research <div class="align- url-embed"> <div class="responsive-embed"></div> </div> <div slot="column1"> <p>&nbsp;</p></div> April 19, 2022 - 1:00pm Andy Fell /health/news/media-advisory-uc-davis-live-gun-violence-research UC Davis Gun Violence Expert to Speak Friday /news/uc-davis-gun-violence-expert-speak-friday <h2>What:</h2> <p>Dr. Garen J. Wintemute, the Susan P. Baker-Stephen P. Teret Chair in Violence Prevention at UC Davis, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program and professor of emergency medicine, will present his research findings on firearm violence. This is part of the UC Davis Capitol Speaker&nbsp;Series.</p> <h2>When:&nbsp;</h2> <p>Noon, Friday, April 15</p> <h2>Where:</h2> <p>California State Capitol, Room 126</p> April 13, 2016 - 1:29pm Lindsey Alexandra OTousa /news/uc-davis-gun-violence-expert-speak-friday