K-12 Content / K-12 Content for UC Davis en UC Davis, Girl Scouts Heart of Central California Partner on Patch Series Focused on Healthy Outside Initiative /news/uc-davis-girl-scouts-heart-central-california-partner-patch-series-focused-healthy-outside UC Davis and Girl Scouts Heart of Central California have teamed up to encourage Girl Scouts in the region to participate in a custom patch series involving campus spaces. November 22, 2022 - 10:30am Karen Michele Nikos /news/uc-davis-girl-scouts-heart-central-california-partner-patch-series-focused-healthy-outside School of Education Receives $2.5M to Develop Better Learning Tools for Teachers /news/school-education-receives-grant-develop-better-learning <p>University of California, Davis, which received a $2.5 million grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation to help early career teachers use more innovative techniques in the classroom.</p> May 09, 2018 - 8:58am Karen Michele Nikos /news/school-education-receives-grant-develop-better-learning UC Davis Holds Talk on School Violence: ‘Guns and America After Parkland’ /news/uc-davis-holds-talk-school-violence-guns-and-america-after-parkland <h2>What</h2> <p>“The Campus Conversation: Guns and America After Parkland,” will feature six faculty sharing their knowledge and expertise in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School incident in Parkland, Florida, in February, and other recent school shootings. Experts who teach in the fields of emergency medicine, psychiatry, history, sociology and law will share their perspectives.</p> <h2>When</h2> <p>Thursday, April 26, noon-2 p.m.</p> <h2>Where</h2> <p><a href="https://cru.ucdavis.edu/content/339-location-amp-contact.htm">UC Davis Conference Center</a></p> April 24, 2018 - 11:12am Karen Michele Nikos /news/uc-davis-holds-talk-school-violence-guns-and-america-after-parkland Medical Amnesty, Chicano/Latino Center, K-12 Education Experts /news/medical-amnesty-chicanolatino-center-education-experts <ul> <li>UC Davis Adopts Medical Amnesty Protocol</li> <li>UC Davis to Open New Center for Chicano, Latino Students</li> <li>Experts on K-12 Education Issues</li> </ul> <h2>UC Davis Adopts Medical Amnesty Protocol</h2> <p>The University of California, Davis, is introducing a new medical amnesty protocol so fear of getting into trouble won’t keep students from calling for medical help in an emergency related to alcohol or drugs.</p> September 15, 2017 - 4:45pm Julia Ann Easley /news/medical-amnesty-chicanolatino-center-education-experts UC Davis Experts on K-12 Education /news/uc-davis-experts-k-12-education <p>The following University of California, Davis, faculty can address K-12 issues in education for members of the media.</p> <p>Keep an eye on this and other current expert lists on the UC Davis news website.&nbsp;(“Expert Sources” are located approximately halfway down the page on the right). These resources will be updated regularly.</p> September 15, 2017 - 10:43am Karen Michele Nikos /news/uc-davis-experts-k-12-education Ethnic Diversity in Schools May Be Good for Students’ Grades, a UC Davis Study Suggests /news/ethnic-diversity-schools-may-be-good-grade-point-averages-uc-davis-study-suggests <p>Early adolescents’ grades were higher when they socialized with peers from other ethnicities, according to the findings of a University of California, Davis, study that looked at the lunching habits of more than 800 sixth-graders in three states.</p> September 11, 2017 - 10:14am Karen Michele Nikos /news/ethnic-diversity-schools-may-be-good-grade-point-averages-uc-davis-study-suggests Students Learn Constitution, History, Through Japanese Internment Lesson /news/students-learn-constitution-history-through-japanese-internment-project-0 <p>When it came time for fifth-graders at David Lubin Elementary School in Sacramento to learn about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and U.S. history, their teachers had an idea. Student teacher Lauren Yayesaki’s family had been forced to live in an internment camp during World War II. Resident teacher Betsy Ronsheimer, learning of this, thought it would be a good opportunity to bring this part of history into the classroom in a very personal way.</p> September 06, 2017 - 4:50pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/students-learn-constitution-history-through-japanese-internment-project-0 California K-12 Curriculum Becomes More Historically Accurate With Help From UC Davis /news/california-k-12-curriculum-becomes-more-historically-accurate <p>For generations, it was a rite of passage for 9-year-olds from San Diego to Eureka to craft popsicle-stick and sugar-cube models of a specific California mission. But, the fourth-grade “mission project” is disappearing from many classrooms, as the curriculum that students learn moves into a more accurate history reflecting all cultures.</p> August 30, 2017 - 3:10pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/california-k-12-curriculum-becomes-more-historically-accurate UC Davis Sociologist to Study How K-12 Schools Adapt to Increases in Immigrants /news/uc-davis-sociologist-study-how-k-12-schools-adapt-increases-immigrants <p>A University of California, Davis, sociologist will study how schools adapt to a sharp increase in the number of immigrant families, and he plans to develop interventions to help low-income kids who may have trouble catching up to their peers.</p> April 19, 2016 - 11:43am Lindsey Alexandra OTousa /news/uc-davis-sociologist-study-how-k-12-schools-adapt-increases-immigrants