Sequoia Content / Sequoia Content for UC Davis en Coast Redwood and Sequoia Genome Sequences Completed /climate/news/coast-redwood-and-sequoia-genome-sequences-completed <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN"><span><span><span>Scientists have completed the sequences for the coast redwood and giant sequoia genomes.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> December 16, 2021 - 10:30am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/coast-redwood-and-sequoia-genome-sequences-completed Coast Redwood and Giant Sequoia Mega-Genomes Sequenced /climate/news/23-and-tree-sequencing-the-genome-of-the-redwoods <p>Scientists have successfully sequenced the coast redwood and giant sequoia genomes, completing the first major milestone of a five-year project to develop the tools necessary to study these forests’ genomic diversity. The research partners, composed of the University of California, Davis, Johns Hopkins University and the Save the Redwoods League, are making the&nbsp;data publicly available today. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> April 23, 2019 - 3:12pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/23-and-tree-sequencing-the-genome-of-the-redwoods Turtles, Pesticides and Parks /news/turtles-pesticides-and-parks <p>Western pond turtles in Sequoia National Park and other California remote wildlands have been exposed to an assortment of agricultural pesticides and industrial contaminants, according to a study from the National Park Service and UC&nbsp;Davis.&nbsp;</p> April 20, 2016 - 1:23pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/turtles-pesticides-and-parks