Mindy Romero Content / Mindy Romero Content for UC Davis en California Voters Don’t Like the Idea of New Vote Centers, UC Davis Study Finds /news/californians-dont-want-give-polling-place-uc-davis-study-findss <p>In some California counties, election officials are considering replacing traditional polling places with vote centers, where people can drop off ballots and access additional voter services, but a UC Davis study finds voters may not welcome such changes.</p> <p>“The study found that while some California voters may be receptive to having vote centers in their county, the majority of all voters do not initially like the idea of this new electoral change,” said Mindy Romero, author of the study and director of the California Civic Engagement Project at UC Davis.</p> September 07, 2017 - 4:39pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/californians-dont-want-give-polling-place-uc-davis-study-findss UC Davis Capitol Speakers Series: Election Reforms /news/uc-davis-capitol-speakers-series <h2>What:</h2> <p>Could this election bring record voter turnout for California? How will recent election reforms impact voter turnout in the upcoming 2016 elections? Mindy Romero, founder and director of the California Civic Engagement Project, or CCEP, at the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, will present new research on recent California election reforms. This research examines the recent surge in online voter registration in the state, vote-by-mail use and the potential effect of possible new reforms on California's historically low national ranking in voter turnout.&nbsp;</p> May 18, 2016 - 11:10am Lindsey Alexandra OTousa /news/uc-davis-capitol-speakers-series UC Davis Election Experts /news/uc-davis-election-experts <p>The following University of California, Davis, researchers are available to comment to media on topics presenting in the upcoming elections. From the history of the political process, to computer security, to conspiracy theories, UC Davis can provide expertise on a variety of issues facing voters. Check the <a href="/news">UC Davis News and Information website</a> for updates to this list.</p> May 04, 2016 - 2:41pm Lindsey Alexandra OTousa /news/uc-davis-election-experts