Acting Chancellor&#039;s Statements Content / Acting Chancellor&#039;s Statements Content for UC Davis en Sorrow and Solidarity /news/standing-solidarity-all-people-who-are-victims-violence-and-hatred <p><strong>Dear Members of the UC Davis Community,</strong><br> &nbsp;<br> It is difficult for us to find the right words to capture the sorrow and outrage that all good people feel at the carnage inflicted on nightclub customers in Orlando, Florida, early Sunday morning.<br> &nbsp;</p> June 13, 2016 - 3:31pm Dave Jones /news/standing-solidarity-all-people-who-are-victims-violence-and-hatred Acting Chancellor’s Statement on Dave Lawlor’s Resignation as VC-CFO /news/acting-chancellors-statement-dave-lawlors-resignation-vc-cfo <p><strong>Dear Friends,</strong></p> <p>As some of you may be aware, Dave Lawlor, our vice chancellor for Finance, Operations and Administration, and the chief financial officer at UC Davis, resigned Thursday (May 26).</p> May 31, 2016 - 11:39am Dave Jones /news/acting-chancellors-statement-dave-lawlors-resignation-vc-cfo