Beer Brewing Content / Beer Brewing Content for UC Davis en A Legacy of Jimmy Carter: Craft Beer /blog/legacy-jimmy-carter-craft-beer <p>With the passing of <a href="">Jimmy Carter</a>, it is perhaps worth mentioning one small legacy from his presidency: the legalization of homebrewing and the craft beer revolution.&nbsp;</p> January 06, 2025 - 3:24pm Andy Fell /blog/legacy-jimmy-carter-craft-beer Brew La-La Takes Top Spot in Student Beer Brewing Competition /news/brew-la-la-takes-top-spot-student-beer-brewing-competition <p>In a celebration of friendship and fermentation, the 2024 UC Davis Iron Brew competition has crowned Brew La-La as this year’s winner. With each sip, this Belgian blonde ale features hints of honeysuckle, wildflowers and citrus blossoms that intertwine with subtle undertones of vanilla, bubble gum and honey.&nbsp;</p> May 28, 2024 - 12:21pm Cody Kitaura /news/brew-la-la-takes-top-spot-student-beer-brewing-competition THE DOWNLOAD: Helping a Hawk, Brewing Without Hops /news/download-helping-hawk-brewing-without-hops <p>UC Davis helped a red-tailed hawk learn to fly again, after the raptor lost some crucial feathers. The bird came in with six broken feathers, and underwent a procedure at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital to have new feathers glued in place.</p> <p>Learn more about the process of replacing the feathers, called "imping," in the above video.</p> March 27, 2018 - 2:47pm Cody Kitaura /news/download-helping-hawk-brewing-without-hops THE DOWNLOAD: Beer Competition, Gary May Connections /news/download-beer-competition <p>More than 200 people turned out Friday night (June 23) for the third annual UC Davis Staff and Faculty Brewing Competition, where two sets of judges — professionals and everyone else — picked the winners:</p> June 27, 2017 - 9:00am Cody Kitaura /news/download-beer-competition Food from Beer, Grad Caps, Commencement Streamers /news/food-beer-grad-caps-commencement-streamers <p>The grain left over after beer is brewed is normally thrown away, but soon it could be made into food. A group of students taking Food Product Innovation and Development had the idea and set about developing "Beer Bites" for the capstone course. <em>— Video by Joe Proudman/UC Davis</em></p> <p><em><a href="/news/student-competition-could-yield-next-new-food-craze-1">Read more about the class and the competition among its students</a>.</em></p> June 14, 2016 - 10:00am Cody Kitaura /news/food-beer-grad-caps-commencement-streamers