Fleet Services Content / Fleet Services Content for UC Davis en LAURELS: Fleet Services On a Roll With Awards /news/laurels-fleet-services-on-roll-with-awards <div>&nbsp; <h2 class="heading--underline text-align-center">IN THIS COLUMN</h2> <ul> <li><strong><span>Fleet Services, </span></strong><span>Facilities Management</span></li> <li><strong><span>Kyle Crabtree, </span></strong><span>Department of Chemistry</span></li> <li><strong><span>Alejandro Martinez, </span></strong><span>Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering </span></li> <li><strong><span>Marina Radulaski,</span></strong><span> Department of </span><span>Electrical and Computer Engineering</span></li> </ul> <hr> <div slot="colum"></div></div> January 25, 2022 - 6:49pm Dave Jones /news/laurels-fleet-services-on-roll-with-awards UC Davis Takes 10 Electric Cars on Extended Test Drive /climate/news/uc-davis-takes-10-electric-cars-on-extended-test-drive <p>Ten electric vehicles from BMW are helping the University of California, Davis, study how to integrate electric vehicles into its fleet.</p> December 05, 2018 - 12:25pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/uc-davis-takes-10-electric-cars-on-extended-test-drive LAURELS: Tate Receives Conservation Impact Award /news/laurels-tate-receives-conservation-impact-award <p><strong>Ken Tate,</strong> a professor and UC Cooperative Extension rangeland watershed specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences, recently received the 2016 Conservation Impact Award from the California Rangeland Trust.</p> June 27, 2016 - 11:49pm Dave Jones /news/laurels-tate-receives-conservation-impact-award