Water Conservation Content / Water Conservation Content for UC Davis en Leaks an Untapped Opportunity for Water Savings /climate/news/leaks-untapped-opportunity-water-savings <p><span><span><span>Before a drop of treated water in California ever reaches a consumer’s faucet, about 8% of it has already been wasted due to leaks in the delivery system. Nationally, the waste is even higher, at 17%. This represents an untapped opportunity for water savings, according to a study from the University of California, Davis.&nbsp;</span></span></span></p> March 07, 2022 - 11:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/leaks-untapped-opportunity-water-savings Campus Sets Water Conservation Goal of 22 Percent /news/campus-sets-water-conservation-goal-22-percent <p>Hours before the official start of summer June 20, the UC Davis Water Action Committee set the following conservation goal: a reduction of at least 22 percent in the use of potable water and landscape irrigation water, March through October, compared with the same period in 2013.</p> <section class="wysiwyg-feature-block "> <h3 class="wysiwyg-feature-block__title">Water Dashboard</h3> <div class="wysiwyg-feature-block__body"> <p><a href="http://water.ucdavis.edu/#!/">See monthly water use and total reduction since March.</a></p></div></section> June 28, 2016 - 11:29am Dave Jones /news/campus-sets-water-conservation-goal-22-percent