Bumblebees Content / Bumblebees Content for UC Davis en What Makes Queen Bees So Smart? /news/what-makes-queen-bees-so-smart <p><span>A bumblebee’s brain is smaller than a sesame seed. But it can still accomplish quite a bit.</span></p><p><span>“You don’t need a big brain to learn well,” said Felicity Muth, an assistant professor in the Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior&nbsp;and a National Geographic Explorer who studies cognition in bees and other animals. “Bumblebees are capable of many of the same cognitive feats as many vertebrates.”</span></p> November 07, 2024 - 2:22pm Andy Fell /news/what-makes-queen-bees-so-smart Bumblebees Carry Heavy Loads in Economy Mode /curiosity/news/bumblebees-carry-heavy-loads-economy-mode <p>Bumblebees are the big lifters of the insect world, able to fly back to the hive with almost their own body weight in nectar on board. A study published Feb. 5 in&nbsp;<em><a href="https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/6/eaay3115">Science Advances</a></em>&nbsp;shows how they do it — and that bees can show more flexibility in behavior than you might expect from a bumbling insect.&nbsp;</p> February 05, 2020 - 11:38am Andy Fell /curiosity/news/bumblebees-carry-heavy-loads-economy-mode