Lake Content / Lake Content for UC Davis en Removing Tiny Shrimp May Help Climate-Proof Lake Tahoe’s Clarity /climate/news/removing-tiny-shrimp-may-help-climate-proof-lake-tahoes-clarity <p>Lake Tahoe, with its iconic blue waters straddling the borders of Nevada and California, continues to face a litany of threats related to climate change. But a promising new project to remove tiny, invasive shrimp could be a big step toward climate-proofing its famed lake clarity.</p> August 01, 2019 - 4:42pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/removing-tiny-shrimp-may-help-climate-proof-lake-tahoes-clarity Unprecedented Weather in 2017 Hurts Clarity Level in Lake Tahoe /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-lowest-on-record-after-2017s-extreme-weather <p>Historic drought followed by record-breaking precipitation and warm lake temperatures converged to produce the lowest annual average clarity levels recorded at Lake Tahoe in 2017, indicates data released by the&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>Tahoe Environmental Research Center</strong></a>&nbsp;at the University of California, Davis.</p> June 13, 2018 - 9:46am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-lowest-on-record-after-2017s-extreme-weather Tahoe State of the Lake Report Released /news/tahoe-state-lake-report-2016-released <p>The UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center today released its annual <a href="">Tahoe: State of the Lake Report</a>, assessing a year marked by the hottest temperatures on record followed by a winter of unprecedented levels of rain and snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains, where Lake Tahoe resides.</p> July 27, 2017 - 3:06pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/tahoe-state-lake-report-2016-released Beneath the Ice in Antarctica /news/beneath-ice-antarctica <p><strong>Update Aug. 14: </strong><a href="">Watch KCRA-TV's coverage of Alex Forrest as he deploys underwater glider for climate change research in Lake Tahoe.</a></p> <p>•••</p> <p>To outer space and the deep ocean, add “beneath the ice” to the list of rarely charted frontiers of science exploration.</p> May 08, 2017 - 10:40am Katherine E Kerlin /news/beneath-ice-antarctica Scientists: Lake Tahoe Experienced a Record-Breaking Year in 2015 /news/scientists-lake-tahoe-experienced-record-breaking-year-2015-0 <p>Lake Tahoe experienced a year like no other in 2015, according to scientists from the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center in its annual Tahoe: State of the Lake Report, released today.</p> July 28, 2016 - 1:27pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/scientists-lake-tahoe-experienced-record-breaking-year-2015-0