Student Community Center Content / Student Community Center Content for UC Davis en 8 Study Spaces on Campus /news/8-study-spaces-on-campus <p>As a UC Davis student, you’re on a quest to discover and innovate. Along the way to knowledge and change, you’ll put in countless hours of studying. <a href="">Finding study space at UC Davis</a> doesn't necessarily have to mean sitting in an isolated silent chamber. Not unless you want it to, anyway. Why not spend them in one of these eight campus spaces poised to enhance collaboration, reflection and creativity?</p> December 05, 2016 - 9:39am Julia Ann Easley /news/8-study-spaces-on-campus LAURELS: A Dedication for a Dedicated Mel Ramey /news/laurels-dedication-dedicated-mel-ramey <p>Professor Emeritus <strong>Melvin R. Ramey’s</strong> colleagues, friends and former students have established a student-support fund in his name, but that’s only one reason for the celebration that is planned for next week in the lobby of the <a href="">Student Community Center</a>. You see, the center is dedicating its lobby in his name.</p> October 04, 2016 - 10:28am Dave Jones /news/laurels-dedication-dedicated-mel-ramey