Coast Content / Coast Content for UC Davis en The Choreography Connecting Kelp Forests to the Beach /climate/news/choreography-connecting-kelp-forests-beach A UC Davis study uncovers a symphony of synchrony between kelp forests and the beach food web. January 03, 2024 - 12:50pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/choreography-connecting-kelp-forests-beach Survey Shows Impact of Sea Star Wasting Disease in Salish Sea /news/survey-shows-impact-sea-star-wasting-disease-salish-sea <p>Sea star wasting disease has devastated intertidal populations of these animals on the West coast from Mexico to Alaska. But what about sea stars that live below the low tide line, mostly out of sight? An analysis of data collected by divers in the Salish Sea shows severe impacts on some species, especially the sunflower sea star, <em>Pycnopodia helianthoides</em>.</p> October 26, 2016 - 1:29pm Andy Fell /news/survey-shows-impact-sea-star-wasting-disease-salish-sea