Revolutions Content / Revolutions Content for UC Davis en You Say You Want a Transportation Revolution? How About Three of Them? /news/you-say-you-want-transportation-revolution-how-about-three-them-0 <p>Three transportation revolutions are in sight, and together, they could help reduce traffic, improve livability, save trillions of dollars and reduce urban transportation CO2 emissions by 80 percent or more worldwide by 2050. That’s according to a report released today from the University of California, Davis, and the New York-based nonprofit Institute for Transportation &amp; Development Policy.</p> <p>But to receive the most benefit from electric, driverless and shared transportation, the three revolutions must happen at the same time.&nbsp;</p> May 02, 2017 - 12:40pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/you-say-you-want-transportation-revolution-how-about-three-them-0 The Future Car Is Driverless, Shared and Electric /news/future-car-driverless-shared-and-electric <p>The nation’s top transportation experts see rapid change in transportation as a result of three major technology revolutions: shared, electric and automated vehicles. That’s according to <a href="">a survey</a> by the <a href="">Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis</a>. The group also released a <a href="">set of policy briefs</a>, described below, which were guest-authored by leading transportation policy experts.&nbsp;</p> March 13, 2017 - 12:25pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/future-car-driverless-shared-and-electric