Micronutrients Content / Micronutrients Content for UC Davis en Nigeria Adopts Multiple Micronutrient-Fortified Bouillon Cube Standards to Reduce Malnutrition and Child Mortality /news/nigeria-adopts-multiple-micronutrient-fortified-bouillon-cube-standards-reduce-malnutrition <p><span>The&nbsp;</span><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CZn9V4INE"><span lang="EN-US">Nigerian government has enacted a new industrial standard for bouillon which includes a provision for&nbsp;</span></a><span>adding vital micronutrients.&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN">The new standard specifies&nbsp;the inclusion&nbsp;of iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamin B12 on a voluntary basis in nationally produced and imported bouillon cubes to reduce malnutrition and child mortality.</span></p> December 17, 2024 - 10:48am Andy Fell /news/nigeria-adopts-multiple-micronutrient-fortified-bouillon-cube-standards-reduce-malnutrition Nutrition Proposal Has ‘Transformative Potential’ for Haiti /news/nutrition-proposal-has-transformative-potential-haiti <p>By fortifying its wheat flour with iron and folic acid, Haiti could dramatically and efficiently improve the health of its women and children, advised a UC Davis team of economists and nutritionists in a recent report to the Haiti Priorise review panel.</p> June 22, 2017 - 10:16am Patricia Bailey /news/nutrition-proposal-has-transformative-potential-haiti