Job Training Content / Job Training Content for UC Davis en Job Centers Offer Little Help for the Unemployed, UC Davis Study Says /news/job-centers-offer-little-help-unemployed-uc-davis-study-says <p>If you are unemployed and looking for a job, the best way to get government-funded training and help finding a job is to prove you are “unemployable.” Otherwise, unemployed workers are often told by job coaches, they should accept downward or lateral mobility and realize that their inability to get a job is their fault, not the job market.</p> <p>These are some of the observations of a University of California, Davis, study, “The Perversity of Unemployment Narrative: Low-Wage Workers Navigating the Workforce Development System.”</p> August 14, 2017 - 11:04am Karen Michele Nikos /news/job-centers-offer-little-help-unemployed-uc-davis-study-says