Infrastructure Content / Infrastructure Content for UC Davis en Paving the Way to Zero Emissions From Cement /climate/what-can-i-do/paving-way-zero-emissions-cement <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Cement is the world’s most important building material. When mixed with water, cement glues together the sand and gravel in concrete, used for buildings, roads, tunnels, bridges, dams, pipes and other kinds of infrastructure. The world produces an astonishing four billion metric tons of cement a year — half a ton for everyone on Earth. Because it is the most critical material for creating infrastructure, demand for cement is growing faster than population growth.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> October 22, 2021 - 3:42pm Andy Fell /climate/what-can-i-do/paving-way-zero-emissions-cement UC Davis, City of Davis Host International Cycling Safety Conference /news/uc-davis-city-davis-host-international-cycling-safety-conference <p>Making the streets safer for cyclists and promoting cycling for all are goals of the International Cycling Safety Conference, to be held Sept. 21-22 at the University of California, Davis, Conference Center. It is the first time that the conference has been held in the U.S. and appropriately enough, it’s coming to the nation’s premier cycling city.</p> <p>The conference attendees include experts in urban planning, mechanical and civil engineering, data science, sociology and behavior.</p> September 11, 2017 - 4:19pm Andy Fell /news/uc-davis-city-davis-host-international-cycling-safety-conference