Silo Food Content / Silo Food Content for UC Davis en GOOD EATS 1: Pizza, Sandwiches at South Silo /news/good-eats-1-pizza-sandwiches-south-silo <p>Campus chefs and planners have learned something from their recent spate of new eateries: It’s best to focus on a few things and do them really well.</p> <p>That philosophy comes to the new Silo Market, with simple pizza and deli sandwich menus, coolers full of premade sandwiches and salads, plus snacks and more, when it opens Nov. 28 <a href="">in the South Silo</a>.</p> November 21, 2017 - 11:00am Cody Kitaura /news/good-eats-1-pizza-sandwiches-south-silo Silo Reopens with New Food Options /news/more-local-and-unique-food-options-silo <div class="align-right media media--type-sf-image-media-type media--view-mode-default"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/news/campus-news/2017/sep/spokes-grill-logo.png" width="169" height="169" alt="Spokes Grill logo" typeof="Image"> </div> <p><a href="/news/now-brewing-new-peets-coffee-opens-arc/">Peet’s replaced Starbucks at the ARC earlier this summer</a>, and now has Starbucks’ old location in the Silo, too — the result of the campus’s switch to Peet’s and Java City for coffee service, after a competitive bidding process.</p> September 19, 2017 - 9:00am Cody Kitaura /news/more-local-and-unique-food-options-silo