Social behavior Content / Social behavior Content for UC Davis en Surviving Social Distancing: Tips From UC Davis Experts /coronavirus/news/surviving-social-distancing-tips-uc-davis-experts <p>UC Davis psychiatrists and psychologists have been appearing in traditional and social media giving advice on how to stay <em>mentally</em> healthy during the pandemic. For many, social distancing — the current government <a href="">shelter-in-place order</a> that people confine themselves to their homes with only a few exceptions — is a tough way to go through life.</p> March 24, 2020 - 2:13pm Karen Michele Nikos /coronavirus/news/surviving-social-distancing-tips-uc-davis-experts Shining Light on the Social Lives of Viruses /news/shining-light-social-lives-viruses <p>Scientists know viruses are contagious and can spread quickly, but how do they interact with each other?</p> <p>To gain an understanding into how viruses spread, and ultimately evolve, Samuel Díaz-Muñoz, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics in the College of Biological Sciences at the University of California, Davis, explores the hustle and bustle of viruses’ social lives in a new paper published in <em><a href="">Cell Host &amp; Microbe</a></em>. &nbsp;</p> October 18, 2017 - 11:20am Andy Fell /news/shining-light-social-lives-viruses