Data Science Content / Data Science Content for UC Davis en Investigating Bridges Under Pressure /blog/investigating-bridges-under-pressure <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Can a bridge withstand an earthquake? One of the big unknowns is how far a bridge might settle from seismic shaking, especially if the shaking triggers a quicksand-like soil response called&nbsp;liquefaction.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> July 12, 2022 - 10:04am Andy Fell /blog/investigating-bridges-under-pressure Artificial Intelligence: Can We Trust Machines to Make Fair Decisions? /curiosity/news/ais-race-and-gender-problem Discover how bias in artificial intelligence can affect important decisions. Learn about UC Davis’ ongoing efforts to create fair and unbiased AI systems. April 13, 2021 - 10:44am Anonymous /curiosity/news/ais-race-and-gender-problem UC Davis Invests $4 Million to Launch New Research Centers /news/uc-davis-invests-4-million-launch-new-research-centers <p>The University of California, Davis, is investing $4 million over three years to launch four new research centers that align campus strengths with unique opportunities for global impact. The UC Davis Office of Research initiative is designed to promote new, sustainable, inter- and multidisciplinary research activity that responds to society’s greatest challenges and needs.&nbsp;</p> September 12, 2019 - 3:54pm Andy Fell /news/uc-davis-invests-4-million-launch-new-research-centers