wheat genome Content / wheat genome Content for UC Davis en Genome of Wheat Ancestor Sequenced /food/news/genome-wheat-relative-sequenced <p>Sequencing the bread wheat genome has long been considered an almost insurmountable task, due to its enormous size and complexity. Yet it is vitally important for the global food supply, providing more than 20 percent of the calories and 23 percent of the protein consumed by humans.</p> <p>Now, an international team of scientists led by researchers at the University of California, Davis, has come a step closer to solving the puzzle by sequencing the genome of a wild ancestor of bread wheat known as <em>Aegilops tauschii</em>, a type of goatgrass<em>.</em></p> November 15, 2017 - 11:00am Amy M Quinton /food/news/genome-wheat-relative-sequenced