Professional Content / Professional Content for UC Davis en See and Hear What Our Students are Doing /news/see-and-hear-what-our-students-are-doing <p>Student discoveries and creative activities will be on display at two events this week, one for undergraduates, the other for graduate and professional students. A similar event for postdoctoral scholars is scheduled in mid-May.</p> <p>This week's programs, free and open to the public:</p> April 05, 2016 - 2:13pm Julia Ann Easley /news/see-and-hear-what-our-students-are-doing From Grad Cap to Hard Hat /news/grad-cap-hard-hat <p>To build her career, UC Davis senior Maria Muñoz will soon trade her graduation cap and gown for a hard hat and work boots.</p> June 04, 2015 - 8:00am Robyn Frances Huey /news/grad-cap-hard-hat