Department of Communication Content / Department of Communication Content for UC Davis en Muhammad Haroon on How Social Media Algorithms Can Foster Political Radicalization /news/podcasts-and-shows/the-backdrop/episode/muhammad-haroon-social-media-algorithms-political-radicalization A new study from UC Davis suggests that artificial intelligence recommendation algorithms on sites like YouTube and TikTok can play a role in political radicalization. In this episode, UC Davis computer science Ph.D. student Muhammad Haroon, who led the study, discusses how the study was designed, what the team found, and a new digital tool they created to mitigate the radicalizing effect of social media platform AI algorithms. December 13, 2022 - 12:24am Soterios J Johnson /news/podcasts-and-shows/the-backdrop/episode/muhammad-haroon-social-media-algorithms-political-radicalization AI: A Tectonic Shift in Human Society /news/ai-tectonic-shift-human-society <div><p>The first time most people could communicate with a computer that responded like a real person was in 2022 when OpenAI publicly launched ChatGPT. Just two months later, the app set the record for the <a href="">fastest-growing user</a> base with 100 million monthly active users.</p></div> October 08, 2024 - 3:59pm Andy Fell /news/ai-tectonic-shift-human-society YouTube Video Recommendations Lead to More Extremist Content for Right-Leaning Users, Researchers Suggest /curiosity/news/youtube-video-recommendations-lead-more-extremist-content-right-leaning-users-researchers <p><span><span><span><span>YouTube tends to recommend videos that are similar to what people have already watched. New research has found that those recommendations can lead users down a rabbit hole of extremist political content.</span></span></span></span></p> December 13, 2023 - 11:30am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/youtube-video-recommendations-lead-more-extremist-content-right-leaning-users-researchers Disney Princesses Can Be Good for a Child’s Self-Image, UC Davis Researchers Suggest /curiosity/news/disney-princesses-can-be-good-childs-self-image-uc-davis-researchers-suggest A recent study showed favorite princess can improve children's confidence. September 07, 2023 - 1:00pm Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/disney-princesses-can-be-good-childs-self-image-uc-davis-researchers-suggest To Combat Life’s Stress, People Seek Negative Entertainment /curiosity/news/combat-lifes-stress-people-seek-more-negative-entertainment <p><span><span>When the day is filled with news of mass shootings, police malfeasance and “me too” courtroom escapades, people turn to entertainment media, where they watch — as it turns out — more negativity, a new University of California, Davis, study suggests. </span></span></p> June 13, 2023 - 11:00am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/combat-lifes-stress-people-seek-more-negative-entertainment What Happens With Twitter Now? /curiosity/news/what-happens-twitter-now Two UC Davis researchers who are experts in social media talk about the changes in Twitter ownership and what that means for consumers. December 07, 2022 - 1:45pm Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/what-happens-twitter-now Online Learning in COVID-19 Detrimental to Teen Mental Health, School Satisfaction, Performance /news/online-learning-covid-19-detrimental-adolescent-mental-health-school-satisfaction-performance The unprecedented shutdown of classroom learning caused undue stress, low levels of social inclusion and low satisfaction with school for many — and mental health issues for some. November 30, 2022 - 9:30am Karen Michele Nikos /news/online-learning-covid-19-detrimental-adolescent-mental-health-school-satisfaction-performance Has Social Media Discourse Affected People’s Hesitancy to Get Vaccinated Against COVID? /curiosity/news/has-social-media-discourse-affected-peoples-hesitancy-get-vaccinated-against-covid Researchers from UC Davis looked at how the politically polarized nature of COVID-19 information, and misinformation, on social media has given rise to anxiety, sadness, anger and hostility that feeds incivility. September 21, 2022 - 10:30am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/has-social-media-discourse-affected-peoples-hesitancy-get-vaccinated-against-covid COVID-19 Beliefs Influenced by Politicians, Not Scientists, Researchers Suggest /news/covid-19-beliefs-influenced-politicians-not-scientists-researchers-suggest As COVID-19 upended societal norms when it swept through the United States in 2020, a second pandemic — or “infodemic”— was also on the rise. March 09, 2022 - 9:20am Karen Michele Nikos /news/covid-19-beliefs-influenced-politicians-not-scientists-researchers-suggest When It Comes to Reporting on Sexual Assault in Media, Words Matter /curiosity/news/when-it-comes-reporting-sexual-assault-media-words-matter <p><span><span><span>Someone on your favorite sports team is accused of date rape. A local city council candidate is charged in the sexual assault of a co-worker. Accusations surface about coaches of a gymnastics team.</span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>These stories appear in traditional media every day. </span></span></span></p> September 28, 2021 - 9:15am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/when-it-comes-reporting-sexual-assault-media-words-matter