Clarity Content / Clarity Content for UC Davis en Lake Tahoe Clarity Report Shows Highs and Lows of 2023 /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-shows-highs-and-lows-2023 <p><span>The clarity of Lake Tahoe’s famed blue waters in 2023 continued its years-long trend of improving during the winter and deteriorating during the summer. The annual clarity report, released today by the University of California, Davis – Tahoe Environmental Research Center, found that winter lake conditions were the clearest observed since 1983, with visibility of 91.9 feet under the surface, compared with 72.2 feet in 2022.&nbsp;</span></p> July 30, 2024 - 10:07am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-shows-highs-and-lows-2023 Lake Tahoe Clarity Report Mixed for 2019 /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-mixed-for-2019 <p>The clarity of Lake Tahoe has long been one of the most important indicators of the changing condition of this iconic water body. In 2019, Lake Tahoe’s clarity decreased nearly 8 feet from the previous year’s dramatic 10-foot improvement. The average annual value in 2019 was 62.7 feet. The lowest value was recorded in 2017, when clarity was 60 feet.</p> June 10, 2020 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-mixed-for-2019 Removing Tiny Shrimp May Help Climate-Proof Lake Tahoe’s Clarity /climate/news/removing-tiny-shrimp-may-help-climate-proof-lake-tahoes-clarity <p>Lake Tahoe, with its iconic blue waters straddling the borders of Nevada and California, continues to face a litany of threats related to climate change. But a promising new project to remove tiny, invasive shrimp could be a big step toward climate-proofing its famed lake clarity.</p> August 01, 2019 - 4:42pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/removing-tiny-shrimp-may-help-climate-proof-lake-tahoes-clarity Lake Tahoe Clarity Level Bounces Back /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-level-bounces-back <p>A return to more normal weather and streamflow conditions in 2018 saw Lake Tahoe’s annual clarity value improve dramatically to 70.9 feet. This represents a 10.5-foot increase over the 2017 value.&nbsp;That is according to a report of Lake Tahoe clarity released by the&nbsp;<a href="">UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Cente</a>r.</p> May 23, 2019 - 2:44pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-level-bounces-back Tahoe: State of the Lake Report Released /climate/news/tahoe-state-lake-report-released <p>After a year marked by extreme weather and plunging clarity levels, the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center today released its annual&nbsp;<a href="">Tahoe: State of the Lake Report</a>.</p> <p>The 2018 report summarizes data collected in 2017 as part of the center’s ongoing, decades-long measurement programs, while also presenting current research on emerging issues. &nbsp;</p> July 26, 2018 - 1:25pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/tahoe-state-lake-report-released Unprecedented Weather in 2017 Hurts Clarity Level in Lake Tahoe /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-lowest-on-record-after-2017s-extreme-weather <p>Historic drought followed by record-breaking precipitation and warm lake temperatures converged to produce the lowest annual average clarity levels recorded at Lake Tahoe in 2017, indicates data released by the&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>Tahoe Environmental Research Center</strong></a>&nbsp;at the University of California, Davis.</p> June 13, 2018 - 9:46am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-lowest-on-record-after-2017s-extreme-weather Tahoe State of the Lake Report Released /news/tahoe-state-lake-report-2016-released <p>The UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center today released its annual <a href="">Tahoe: State of the Lake Report</a>, assessing a year marked by the hottest temperatures on record followed by a winter of unprecedented levels of rain and snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains, where Lake Tahoe resides.</p> July 27, 2017 - 3:06pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/tahoe-state-lake-report-2016-released Scientists: Lake Tahoe Experienced a Record-Breaking Year in 2015 /news/scientists-lake-tahoe-experienced-record-breaking-year-2015-0 <p>Lake Tahoe experienced a year like no other in 2015, according to scientists from the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center in its annual Tahoe: State of the Lake Report, released today.</p> July 28, 2016 - 1:27pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/scientists-lake-tahoe-experienced-record-breaking-year-2015-0 Lake Tahoe Water Clarity Declined in 2015 /news/lake-tahoe-water-clarity-2015-declines-1 <p>Clarity levels at Lake Tahoe in 2015 declined in both summer and winter, due in part to warmer waters, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis, who have studied the lake for the last half-century.&nbsp;</p> <p>Data released today by the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency reported the average annual clarity level for 2015 at 73.1 feet. That is the depth at which a 10-inch white disk, called a Secchi disk, remains visible when lowered into the water.&nbsp;</p> April 19, 2016 - 3:58pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/lake-tahoe-water-clarity-2015-declines-1