Efficiency Content / Efficiency Content for UC Davis en Energy and Transportation Experts /climate/news/climate-change-experts-energy-and-transportation <p>The following sources from the University of California, Davis, are available to talk with media about&nbsp;<a href="https://climatechange.ucdavis.edu/news/">climate change</a>&nbsp;impacts and solutions related to energy and transportation.&nbsp;</p><p>Find more energy and transportation experts and learn about their research at the <a href="https://its.ucdavis.edu/">UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies</a> and <a href="https://energy.ucdavis.edu/">Energy and Efficiency Institute</a><a href="https://energy.ucdavis.edu/about/people/faculty/"> </a>websites.&nbsp;</p> February 07, 2025 - 2:46pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/climate-change-experts-energy-and-transportation Leaks an Untapped Opportunity for Water Savings /climate/news/leaks-untapped-opportunity-water-savings <p><span><span><span>Before a drop of treated water in California ever reaches a consumer’s faucet, about 8% of it has already been wasted due to leaks in the delivery system. Nationally, the waste is even higher, at 17%. This represents an untapped opportunity for water savings, according to a study from the University of California, Davis.&nbsp;</span></span></span></p> March 07, 2022 - 11:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/leaks-untapped-opportunity-water-savings UC Launches Million Light Bulb Challenge Community Buy Program /climate/news/uc-launches-million-light-bulb-challenge <p>The University of California is spearheading a statewide effort to advance the purchase of 1 million high-quality, energy-efficient light bulbs for campus buildings and residences across the state.&nbsp;</p> <p>Under the Community Buy Program, all UC students, staff, faculty, retirees and alumni can purchase light bulbs at nearly half the price of online competitors.</p> July 02, 2018 - 10:36am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/uc-launches-million-light-bulb-challenge Helping Water Utilities Reduce California’s Energy Use and Emissions /news/helping-water-utilities-reduce-californias-energy-use-and-emissions <p>Over the next three and a half years, researchers at the University of California, Davis,&nbsp;will work with the Moulton Niguel Water District and <a href="https://heliopower.com/">Helio Energy Solutions</a> to better understand how water utilities can reduce California’s energy use as the state works to meet its ambitious greenhouse-gas reduction goals.</p> October 19, 2017 - 1:48pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/helping-water-utilities-reduce-californias-energy-use-and-emissions The Diet Soda Effect of Buying a Fuel-Efficient Vehicle /news/diet-soda-effect-buying-fuel-efficient-vehicle <p>Like ordering a diet soda with a side of fries, households who buy a fuel-efficient vehicle tend to buy a bigger, more powerful second car to compensate. This tendency, combined with the changes in driving behavior that result, may reduce up to 60 percent of the expected future gas savings from increased fuel economy in two-car households. That is according to a recent white paper from the University of California, Davis, MIT and Yale.</p> September 26, 2017 - 2:28pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/diet-soda-effect-buying-fuel-efficient-vehicle Keeping Cows Cool With Less Water and Energy /news/keeping-cows-cool-less-water-and-energy <p>Innovative cooling technologies tested on dairy cows at the University of California, Davis, are addressing the long-standing challenge of keeping dairy cows cool in heat-stressed California.</p> September 06, 2017 - 1:34pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/keeping-cows-cool-less-water-and-energy Zen and the Art of Color Quality /news/zen-and-art-color-quality-0 <p>Lighting experts at the California Lighting Technology Center at UC Davis&nbsp;are ushering in a new era of lighting that merges color quality with energy efficiency.</p> March 02, 2017 - 2:48pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/zen-and-art-color-quality-0 Scientists Test Solutions for Energy-Efficient Grow Houses /news/scientists-test-solutions-energy-efficient-grow-houses <p>If Colorado’s experience is any indication, energy use is expected to spike with the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in California, much as it did when data centers sprang up throughout the state.</p> <p>For example, just two years after Colorado legalized recreational marijuana in 2012, grow houses consumed about 2 percent of the power supply in Denver alone.</p> December 21, 2016 - 3:58pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/scientists-test-solutions-energy-efficient-grow-houses