Award Content / Award Content for UC Davis en Karrigan’ Börk’s Award-Winning Water Rights Solution /climate/news/karrigan-bork-awarded-morrison-prize-solution-water-rights UC Davis Law Professor Karrigan Börk's paper proposing a water rights solution won the Morrison Prize, which recognizes the most impactful sustainability-related legal paper in North America. March 26, 2024 - 9:17pm Malia N Reiss /climate/news/karrigan-bork-awarded-morrison-prize-solution-water-rights Recent Graduate Wins UC President’s Award /news/recent-graduate-wins-uc-presidents-award <p><span><span><span>Abiel Malepeai is guided by an old Samoan proverb that translates to English as “The pathway to leadership is service.” The recent UC Davis graduate has advocated for Pacific Islander students, served as a student EMT with the UC Davis Fire Department and helped meet the basic needs of students. </span></span></span></p> July 27, 2023 - 12:52pm Julia Ann Easley /news/recent-graduate-wins-uc-presidents-award Alessandro Ossola Named Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research /food/news/alessandro-ossola-named-innovator-food-agriculture-research UC Davis Assistant Professor Alessandro Ossola is a recipient of FFAR's 2022&nbsp;New Innovator in Food &amp; Agriculture Research Award. April 24, 2023 - 7:00am Katherine E Kerlin /food/news/alessandro-ossola-named-innovator-food-agriculture-research Recent Awards in UC Davis Arts: Music, Olfactory, Design /arts/blog/recent-awards-uc-davis-arts-music-and-olfactory <p>It's award season, and the arts are no exception. Read about awards for olfactory art (yes, that is an art form) music and design.</p> March 28, 2018 - 9:35am Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog/recent-awards-uc-davis-arts-music-and-olfactory 7 UC Davis Students, Grads Awarded Fulbright Grants /news/7-uc-davis-students-grads-awarded-fulbright-grants <p>Seven UC Davis students and alumni are headed to three continents as cultural ambassadors. Three have won prestigious grants, awarded by the&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>Fulbright U.S. Student Program</strong></a>&nbsp;to promote educational and cultural exchange, and will conduct research in&nbsp;Ukraine, Indonesia and India; four others have been awarded the grants to teach English in Malta, Colombia, Malaysia and Germany.</p> <p>They are:</p> May 25, 2017 - 2:28pm Julia Ann Easley /news/7-uc-davis-students-grads-awarded-fulbright-grants Research Catalyst Award Winner to Study How Megafires Will Impact Forest Food Web /news/research-catalyst-award-winner-study-how-megafires-will-impact-forest-food-web <p>UC Davis Assistant Professor Rahel Sollmann is one of three recipients of the 2017 Research Catalyst Awards announced this week by University of California President Janet Napolitano. She will use the award to study how large wildfires will impact the forest food web.&nbsp;</p> December 02, 2016 - 4:31pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/research-catalyst-award-winner-study-how-megafires-will-impact-forest-food-web LAURELS: Paleobiologist Receives Verrill Medal at Yale /news/laurels-paleoecologist-receive-verrill-medal-yale <section class="wysiwyg-feature-block "> <h3 class="wysiwyg-feature-block__title">IN THIS COLUMN</h3> <div class="wysiwyg-feature-block__body"> <ul> <li><strong>Gerrat Vermeij documents the “arms race” among long-extinct mollusks and their predators</strong>&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>GSM faculty members make award-winning impact with “Impact Investing” study</strong></li> <li><strong>One Health leader Jonna Mazet receives Vet Med’s Zoetis Award for Research Excellence</strong></li> <li><strong>Konstantinos Papamichael, Michael Siminovitch, 2 others share award for paper on color-qua</strong></li></ul></div></section> November 15, 2016 - 12:38pm Dave Jones /news/laurels-paleoecologist-receive-verrill-medal-yale Renowned Artist and Professor Emeritus Receives UC Davis Chancellor’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Innovation /news/renowned-artist-and-professor-emeritus-receives-uc-davis-chancellors-lifetime-achievement <p>Artist and professor emeritus Wayne Thiebaud will be honored as the inaugural recipient of the UC Davis Chancellor’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Innovation at a ceremony on Tuesday,&nbsp;June 28. The award recognizes an acknowledged innovator whose career accomplishments have led to a long-term positive impact on the lives of others and who is an inspiring influence for other innovators. The recognition and award will be presented by Acting Chancellor Ralph J.&nbsp;Hexter as part of the UC Davis Chancellor’s Innovation Awards event.</p> June 22, 2016 - 4:30pm Julia Ann Easley /news/renowned-artist-and-professor-emeritus-receives-uc-davis-chancellors-lifetime-achievement Fulbright Awards Send UC Davis Grads Overseas to Teach English, Research /news/fulbright-awards-send-uc-davis-grads-overseas-teach-english-research-0 <p><em><strong>Update 5:30 p.m. May 26:</strong> After the&nbsp;news release below was published, Courtney Jallo of Davis became the latest of six UC Davis students and graduates to be awarded a grant under the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Both an alumna and employee of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, she plans to research land management practices and agroforestry important to the Kandy area of Sri Lanka.</em></p> May 26, 2016 - 11:18am Julia Ann Easley /news/fulbright-awards-send-uc-davis-grads-overseas-teach-english-research-0