Roadkill Content / Roadkill Content for UC Davis en Report: Roadkill a ‘Preventable Natural Disaster’ /climate/news/report-roadkill-preventable-natural-disaster More than 48,000 deer, thousands of newts, nearly 100 mountain lions and thousands of other animals are killed each year on California roads, according to the 2024 “roadkill report” from UC Davis. June 18, 2024 - 9:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/report-roadkill-preventable-natural-disaster California Roadkill Data Shows Decline of Mule Deer, Coyote /climate/news/california-roadkill-data-shows-decline-mule-deer-coyote <p><span><span>The number of mule deer, coyote and other wildlife getting hit by vehicles on California’s roadways is falling, signaling a decline in some key animal populations in the state, according to an annual report from the Road Ecology Center at University of California, Davis. </span></span></p> September 25, 2023 - 9:00am Emily C Dooley /climate/news/california-roadkill-data-shows-decline-mule-deer-coyote Annual ‘Roadkill’ Report Identifies Hot Spots and Paths Forward /climate/news/conflict-solutions-california-wildlife-and-drivers <p><span><span>In the past five years, collisions between wildlife and vehicles cost California at least $1 billion and potentially up to $2 billion, according to estimates in an <a href="">annual report by the Road Ecology Center</a> at the University of California, Davis. </span></span></p> November 10, 2021 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/conflict-solutions-california-wildlife-and-drivers California Roadkill Report Maps Costs, Hot Spots and Solutions /curiosity/news/california-roadkill-report-maps-costs-hot-spots-and-solutions <p>California drivers lost about $232 million to&nbsp;costs associated with wildlife-vehicle conflicts in 2018 and over $1 billion since 2015, according to the sixth annual Wildlife Vehicle Conflict report from the Road Ecology Center at the University of California, Davis.</p> August 07, 2019 - 9:34am Katherine E Kerlin /curiosity/news/california-roadkill-report-maps-costs-hot-spots-and-solutions Roadkill Report a Roadmap to Avoiding Wildlife Collisions /news/roadkill-report-roadmap-avoiding-wildlife-collisions <p>Collisions with wildlife continue to cost up to half a billion dollars each year in California, primarily within the central Sierra Nevada and San Francisco Bay Area. But certain highways have especially high numbers of wildlife collisions, according to the <a href="">annual roadkill report</a> from the <a href="">UC Davis Road Ecology Center</a>.</p> September 18, 2018 - 3:27pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/roadkill-report-roadmap-avoiding-wildlife-collisions What Roadkill Is Costing California /news/what-roadkill-costing-california <p>Collisions between vehicles and wildlife cost California $276 million in 2016, up about 20 percent from the previous year, according to an annual <a href="">report from the UC Davis Road Ecology Center</a>.</p> <p>Using state data on over 13,000 traffic incidents during 2015 and 2016, the report maps stretches of California highways that are hotspots for wildlife-vehicle conflicts.</p> September 07, 2017 - 4:47pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/what-roadkill-costing-california Wildlife vs. Vehicle Costs Top $225 Million Annually in California /news/wildlife-vs-vehicle-costs-top-200-million-annually-california <p>Collisions involving vehicles and wildlife cost California more than $225&nbsp;million annually, according to data&nbsp;from a&nbsp;2016 report from the UC Davis Road Ecology Center.</p> September 26, 2016 - 9:14am Patricia Bailey /news/wildlife-vs-vehicle-costs-top-200-million-annually-california Roadkill Hot Spots on California’s Highways Identified in Report /news/roadkill-hotspots-californias-highways-identified-report <p>A new report of vehicle and wildlife collisions along California’s highways combines roadkill data with preliminary crash data to identify hot spots that concern both public safety and conservation.</p> June 29, 2016 - 9:27am Patricia Bailey /news/roadkill-hotspots-californias-highways-identified-report