Tahoe Environmental Research Center Content / Tahoe Environmental Research Center Content for UC Davis en Clear Lake Water Quality Report Recommends Rehabilitation Strategy /climate/news/clear-lake-water-quality-report-recommends-rehabilitation-strategy Clear Lake's water quality suffers from low-to-no-oxygen conditions, finds a report from UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center. January 29, 2025 - 9:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/clear-lake-water-quality-report-recommends-rehabilitation-strategy Stephanie Hampton Appointed Director of the Tahoe Environmental Research Center /news/stephanie-hampton-appointed-director-tahoe-environmental-research-center Stephanie Hampton is the newly appointed director of the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, beginning in spring of 2025. November 15, 2024 - 12:30pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/stephanie-hampton-appointed-director-tahoe-environmental-research-center Annual Report on State of Lake Tahoe Shows Recent Impacts, Long-Term Trends /news/annual-report-state-lake-tahoe-shows-long-term-trends <p><span>The annual “</span><a href="https://tahoe.ucdavis.edu/stateofthelake"><span>State of the Lake</span></a><span>” report from the Tahoe Environmental Research Center at the University of California, Davis, released today (Aug. 8), shows how long-term climate trends continue to affect the iconic lake in complex ways. The report also describes how research at Lake Tahoe relates to work at other lakes in the U.S. and worldwide, including the development of new technology, and how citizens are contributing to preserving Tahoe’s natural beauty.&nbsp;</span></p> August 08, 2024 - 11:02am Andy Fell /news/annual-report-state-lake-tahoe-shows-long-term-trends Lake Tahoe Clarity Report Shows Highs and Lows of 2023 /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-shows-highs-and-lows-2023 <p><span>The clarity of Lake Tahoe’s famed blue waters in 2023 continued its years-long trend of improving during the winter and deteriorating during the summer. The annual clarity report, released today by the University of California, Davis – Tahoe Environmental Research Center, found that winter lake conditions were the clearest observed since 1983, with visibility of 91.9 feet under the surface, compared with 72.2 feet in 2022.&nbsp;</span></p> July 30, 2024 - 10:07am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-shows-highs-and-lows-2023 Clarity, Changing Food Web Detailed in Annual Lake Tahoe Report /climate/news/clarity-changing-food-web-detailed-annual-lake-tahoe-report The UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center's annual Tahoe: State of the Lake Report, describes the past year as one of rapid biological change. July 20, 2023 - 8:00am Emily C Dooley /climate/news/clarity-changing-food-web-detailed-annual-lake-tahoe-report Lake Tahoe’s Clarity the Best It’s Been Since 1980s /climate/news/lake-tahoes-clarity-best-its-been-1980s-0 In 2022, Lake Tahoe was the clearest it has been since the 1980s, due in part to a resurgence of the lake’s native zooplankton, finds the UC Davis Tahoe Clarity Report. April 10, 2023 - 9:15am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoes-clarity-best-its-been-1980s-0 Tahoe State of the Lake Report 2022 /climate/news/tahoe-state-lake-report <p><span><span>The University of California, Davis, <a href="https://tahoe.ucdavis.edu/">Tahoe Environmental Research Center</a>, or TERC, today released its annual&nbsp;<span><a href="https://tahoe.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk4286/files/inline-files/2022_SOTL_complete-reduced_1.pdf">Tahoe: State of the Lake Repor</a>t</span>.&nbsp;The report informs nonscientists about important factors affecting the health of Lake Tahoe and provides the scientific underpinnings for restoration and management decisions within the Lake Tahoe Basin.</span></span></p> July 28, 2022 - 4:00pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/tahoe-state-lake-report Lake Tahoe Clarity Report for 2021 /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-2021 <p><span><span>The cobalt blue waters of Lake Tahoe were about as clear in 2021 as they were in 2020. But a broader look at clarity measurements shows there is no pattern of consistent clarity improvement over the past 20 years. The lake also has not fully recovered from a spike of fine particles that flowed into its waters after the extremely wet year of 2017. </span></span></p> July 06, 2022 - 9:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-2021 Science, Despite Smoke, at Lake Tahoe /climate/what-can-i-do/science-despite-smoke-lake-tahoe <p><span><span>This week, the Lake Tahoe Basin has been experiencing the nation's worst air quality as the Caldor Fire and other nearby wildfires threaten the region. </span></span></p> <p><span><span>Nevertheless, field staff from the <a href="https://tahoe.ucdavis.edu/">UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center</a> were out on the water, taking critical new measurements to better understand how wildfire smoke affects the lake. The scientists included Brant Allen, Katie Senft and Brandon Berry.</span></span></p> August 27, 2021 - 12:28pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/what-can-i-do/science-despite-smoke-lake-tahoe Annual Report Assesses the State of Lake Tahoe /climate/news/annual-report-assesses-state-lake-tahoe UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center releases annual Tahoe: State of the Lake Report August 12, 2021 - 8:45am Andy Fell /climate/news/annual-report-assesses-state-lake-tahoe