Oligosaccharides Content / Oligosaccharides Content for UC Davis en Making Human Breast Milk Sugars in Plants /blog/making-human-breast-milk-sugars-plants <p dir="ltr"><span>About three in four babies worldwide drink infant formula in the first six months of life, either as their sole source of nutrition or as a supplement to breastfeeding. But while formula provides an essential food for growing babies, it currently does not replicate the full nutritional profile of breast milk.&nbsp;</span></p> June 13, 2024 - 11:17am Andy Fell /blog/making-human-breast-milk-sugars-plants Finding New Life for Wine-Grape Residue /food/news/finding-new-life-wine-grape-residue <p><span><span><span><span>California produces nearly 4 million tons of world-class wine each year, but with that comes thousands of tons of residue like grape skins, seeds, stems and pulp. What if scientists could harness that viticultural waste to help promote human health?</span></span></span></span></p> April 22, 2021 - 10:35am Amy M Quinton /food/news/finding-new-life-wine-grape-residue Lebrilla Wins Senate Research Award /news/lebrilla-wins-senate-research-award <p>There could have been no better place for Carlito Lebrilla’s research to thrive than UC Davis.&nbsp;</p> <p>“What’s around you influences what you do scientifically,” the chemistry professor said. “It’s only been possible in Davis because of who is here, because we are unique in having an agricultural school, veterinary school and a medical school all in one location.”</p> April 17, 2018 - 3:26pm Andy Fell /news/lebrilla-wins-senate-research-award