University News Content / University News Content for UC Davis en UC Davis Imaging Researcher Elected to National Academy of Engineering /news/uc-davis-imaging-researcher-elected-national-academy-engineering <p>Simon Cherry, a biomedical engineer who has pioneered new ways to image the body, is the latest faculty member from the University of California, Davis, to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering.</p> <p>“Simon does extraordinary work that exemplifies the university’s commitment to interdisciplinary research designed to improve the human condition,” said Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi.&nbsp;“He is a groundbreaking scientist and I could not be happier for him or prouder to see him&nbsp;receive this much-deserved recognition.”</p> February 08, 2016 - 9:06am Andy Fell /news/uc-davis-imaging-researcher-elected-national-academy-engineering Cal Aggie Alumni Association eyes alumni camp /news/cal-aggie-alumni-association-eyes-alumni-camp <p>Alumni of the University of California, Davis, may soon get their own family camp in the Sierra Nevada similar to UC Berkeley's Lair of the Bear. The Cal Aggie Alumni Association is considering a 210-acre preferred site at Crystal Lake in Nevada County, near Yuba Gap Road off Interstate 80, for an alumni family camp and environmental education center. &nbsp;</p> June 12, 2015 - 11:00am IET WebDev /news/cal-aggie-alumni-association-eyes-alumni-camp UPDATED: UC Davis unit aids wildlife rescue effort /news/updated-uc-davis-unit-aids-wildlife-rescue-effort <p><strong>Update Thursday, May 28:&nbsp;</strong>As of 6 p.m. May 27, 39 birds — mostly brown pelicans — had been rescued, and 18 birds had beer collected dead. Sixteen California sea lions and six northern elephant seals had been rescued, while four dead dolphins and six dead sea lions had been collected. Oiled animals collected to date: 89.</p> May 28, 2015 - 4:30pm IET WebDev /news/updated-uc-davis-unit-aids-wildlife-rescue-effort Muhlemans honored for volunteer leadership /news/muhlemans-honored-volunteer-leadership <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Healdsburg residents Douglas “Doug” ’77, M.S. ’79, and Julianne “Juli” Muhleman are the recipients of the 2015 Charles J. Soderquist Award from the UC Davis Foundation. The annual award is presented to individuals who demonstrate excellence in philanthropy, volunteerism, leadership and overall commitment Ƶ.</p> May 13, 2015 - 11:50am IET WebDev /news/muhlemans-honored-volunteer-leadership Guggenheim Fellowship awarded to Professor Deb Niemeier /news/guggenheim-fellowship-awarded-professor-deb-niemeier <p>The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to Deb Niemeier, professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis. The fellowships, sometimes regarded as "mid-career awards," are presented to individuals who have demonstrated an exceptional capacity for productive scholarship in a range of disciplines including the natural sciences, arts, mathematics and education.</p> April 14, 2015 - 8:35am IET WebDev /news/guggenheim-fellowship-awarded-professor-deb-niemeier UPDATED: UC Davis student recovering from meningococcal disease /news/updated-uc-davis-student-recovering-meningococcal-disease <p><strong>Updated 4:30 p.m. Feb. 25:</strong> University and Yolo County Public Health officials say the student with meningococcal disease is recovering. The officials added that they had contacted people who had been in close contact with the student, so that they could arrange preventive medication for them. <a href="">Read more</a>, including the strain of meningococcal bacteria in this case.</p> <p>•••</p> February 25, 2015 - 12:00am IET WebDev /news/updated-uc-davis-student-recovering-meningococcal-disease Scientists awarded 83 million core-hours of supercomputer access /news/scientists-awarded-83-million-core-hours-supercomputer-access <p>Sometimes time is the best gift of all.</p> <p>Eighty-three million core-hours on one of the world’s fastest supercomputers will be accessible to a group of scientists led by UCLA in collaboration with the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, or CIG, based at UC Davis.</p> November 18, 2014 - 9:40am IET WebDev /news/scientists-awarded-83-million-core-hours-supercomputer-access UC Davis again ranked among top-10 public universities /news/uc-davis-again-ranked-among-top-10-public-universities <p>The University of California, Davis, is placed ninth among the nation’s public universities in rankings released Sept. 9 by U.S. News &amp; World Report, the fifth consecutive year that UC Davis has been ranked in the top 10 public universities.</p> <p>"UC Davis consistently performs strongly in national rankings because the people here create an extraordinary place of learning. We are proud that our scholarly work at UC Davis brings national recognition to California," said UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi.</p> September 08, 2014 - 9:10pm IET WebDev /news/uc-davis-again-ranked-among-top-10-public-universities Occupants needed for Honda Smart Home /news/occupants-needed-honda-smart-home <p>The <a href="">Honda Smart Home</a> located in the West Village neighborhood is ready for its first occupants, and two lucky UC Davis faculty, graduate students or staff could get the opportunity to live in the brand-new, fully furnished two-bedroom home that showcases technologies that enable zero net energy living and transportation.<br> </p> September 03, 2014 - 12:00am IET WebDev /news/occupants-needed-honda-smart-home UC Davis professor receives award to develop preventive treatment for autism /news/uc-davis-professor-receives-award-develop-preventive-treatment-autism <p>The Hartwell Foundation has presented an Individual Biomedical Research Award to Professor Judy A. Van de Water of the University of California, Davis, in recognition of research that could affect nearly one in every four cases of autism among children in the U.S.</p> <p>Van de Water, an immunologist and professor of internal medicine in the UC Davis School of Medicine, is one of 11 scientists from throughout the U.S. selected to receive the award that recognizes early-stage, innovative and leading-edge biomedical research with the potential to benefit children in the United States.</p> July 14, 2014 - 11:05am IET WebDev /news/uc-davis-professor-receives-award-develop-preventive-treatment-autism