Anti-Bullying Content / Anti-Bullying Content for UC Davis en Most Teen Bullying Occurs Among Peers Climbing the Social Ladder /curiosity/news/most-teen-bullying-occurs-among-peers-climbing-social-ladder <p>Teens who bully, harass, or otherwise victimize their peers are not always lashing out in reaction to psychological problems or unhealthy home environments, but are often using aggression strategically to climb their school’s social hierarchy, a University of California, Davis, study suggests. These findings point to the reasons why most anti-bullying programs don’t work and suggest possible strategies for the future.</p> February 17, 2021 - 10:30am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/most-teen-bullying-occurs-among-peers-climbing-social-ladder This Workshop Is In-Person for a Reason /news/this-workshop-in-person-for-reason <p>What you need to know about “Is It Bullying? Awareness and Strategies”:</p> <p>First, it’s in person for a reason: “The training’s reflective diversity dialogue approach enables participants to give voice to feelings of exclusion and marginalization, while also prompting them to probe how their own attitudes may contribute to the alienation that others experience — which are essential in unpacking bullying and abrasive behavior in the workplace,” said Mikael Villalobos, associate chief diversity officer, who led the training’s development.</p> July 10, 2018 - 11:53am Dave Jones /news/this-workshop-in-person-for-reason Training Program Expands in Anti-Bullying Effort /news/anti-bullying-training-managers-supervisors <p>“The university does not tolerate abusive conduct or bullying,” President Janet Napolitano declared in 2016 upon issuing guidance to the campuses to identify best practices that cultivate positive work environments.</p> July 10, 2018 - 8:53am Dave Jones /news/anti-bullying-training-managers-supervisors