Lakes Content / Lakes Content for UC Davis en Lake Tahoe Clarity Report Shows Highs and Lows of 2023 /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-shows-highs-and-lows-2023 <p><span>The clarity of Lake Tahoe’s famed blue waters in 2023 continued its years-long trend of improving during the winter and deteriorating during the summer. The annual clarity report, released today by the University of California, Davis – Tahoe Environmental Research Center, found that winter lake conditions were the clearest observed since 1983, with visibility of 91.9 feet under the surface, compared with 72.2 feet in 2022.&nbsp;</span></p> July 30, 2024 - 10:07am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/lake-tahoe-clarity-report-shows-highs-and-lows-2023 Wildfire Smoke Reached 99% of U.S. Lakes in 2019-2021 /climate/news/wildfire-smoke-reached-99-us-lakes-2019-2021 Where there's smoke, there's not always fire. Wildfire smoke drifted to nearly every lake in North America for at least one day per year from 2019 to 2021, found a UC Davis study. June 07, 2024 - 9:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/wildfire-smoke-reached-99-us-lakes-2019-2021 Smoke Covered 70% of California During Biggest Wildfire Years /climate/news/smoke-covered-70-california-during-biggest-wildfire-years As much as 70% of California was covered by wildfire smoke during parts of 2020 and 2021, according to a UC Davis study. May 22, 2024 - 9:32am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/smoke-covered-70-california-during-biggest-wildfire-years Losing Winter /climate/news/losing-winter <p><span><span><span><span>How small mountain lakes spend their winters is largely unknown to scientists, despite winter representing nearly half the year in such environments.&nbsp;A study by the University of California, Davis, helps demystify what happens above and below the ice.&nbsp;</span></span></span></span></p> February 02, 2022 - 9:30am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/losing-winter Helping Out Lakes in Hot Water /climate/what-can-i-do/helping-out-lakes-hot-water <p><span><span>When hot weather hits, we long for cool waters. The warm sand, sparkling lakes, that first run off the pier and into the splash of summer. This is classic, nostalgia-soaked stuff.&nbsp; </span></span></p> <p><span><span>But the world’s lakes are getting warmer and losing oxygen, which threatens biodiversity, water quality and habitat for freshwater species, according to two studies published this month. </span></span></p> June 09, 2021 - 1:55pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/what-can-i-do/helping-out-lakes-hot-water Microplastics: Not Just an Ocean Problem /climate/news/microplastics-not-just-ocean-problem <p>From the infamous “garbage patch” islands of floating plastic to the <a href="/news/plastic-dinner-quarter-fish-sold-markets-contain-human-made-debris/">guts of fish</a> and <a href="/news/why-do-seabirds-eat-plastic-answer-stinks/">bellies of birds</a>, plastics of all sizes are ubiquitous and well-documented in the ocean. But little data exists on microplastics in lakes.</p> August 07, 2019 - 5:15am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/microplastics-not-just-ocean-problem Fish Die-Offs Linked to Hotter Summers /climate/news/fish-die-offs-linked-hotter-summers <p>Fish die-offs in Wisconsin lakes are expected to double by mid-century and quadruple by 2100 due to warmer summer temperatures, according to a <a href="">study published today in the journal </a><em><a href="">Nature Climate Change</a>.</em></p> July 08, 2019 - 2:49pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/fish-die-offs-linked-hotter-summers How Climate Change Is Affecting Small Sierra Nevada Lakes /climate/news/how-climate-change-is-affecting-small-sierra-nevada-lakes <p>Scientists at the University of California, Davis, are taking the temperature — and other measurements — of lakes of all sizes and shapes throughout the mountains of California to see how climate change is affecting them and what, perhaps, can be done about it.</p> <p><a href="">A study</a> published this month in the journal <em>Limnology and Oceanography Letters</em> shows that, despite rapidly warming air temperatures, spring snowpack is the biggest predictor of summer warming in small Sierra Nevada lakes.</p> December 19, 2018 - 11:45am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/how-climate-change-is-affecting-small-sierra-nevada-lakes Experts: Climate Change and Water /climate/news/experts-climate-change-and-water <p>The following sources from the University of California, Davis, are available to talk with media about <a href="">climate change </a>impacts and solutions related to water.&nbsp;</p> August 27, 2018 - 3:38pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/experts-climate-change-and-water