Voters Content / Voters Content for UC Davis en California Voters Don’t Like the Idea of New Vote Centers, UC Davis Study Finds /news/californians-dont-want-give-polling-place-uc-davis-study-findss <p>In some California counties, election officials are considering replacing traditional polling places with vote centers, where people can drop off ballots and access additional voter services, but a UC Davis study finds voters may not welcome such changes.</p> <p>“The study found that while some California voters may be receptive to having vote centers in their county, the majority of all voters do not initially like the idea of this new electoral change,” said Mindy Romero, author of the study and director of the California Civic Engagement Project at UC Davis.</p> September 07, 2017 - 4:39pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/californians-dont-want-give-polling-place-uc-davis-study-findss 18 Faculty Predictions for 2017 /18-faculty-predictions-for-2017 <p>A year ago, we asked some UC Davis experts for their <a href="/news/uc-davis-faculty-make-their-predictions-2016">predictions</a> for 2016. Some of those turned out to be prescient (has anyone seen a hoverboard lately?) while others were less successful. So what do our faculty see ahead for 2017? We asked some of last year’s experts to look back, and invited more opinion on what we might see in 2017, in fields from climate change and cybersecurity to the Supreme Court. &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> January 10, 2017 - 8:17am Amy A Whitcomb /18-faculty-predictions-for-2017 New Online Tool Maps Link Between Vulnerable Communities and Voter Turnout /news/new-interactive-web-platform-demonstrates-link-between-voter-turnout-and-community-challenges <p>This Sunday&nbsp;the California Civic Engagement Project, or CCEP,&nbsp;at the University of California, Davis, in partnership with the Office of the California Secretary of State, is launching a new, public interactive web platform that maps the relationship between voter turnout and the economic, educational and health challenges faced by vulnerable communities across the state.</p> October 28, 2016 - 12:19pm Kimberly L Hale /news/new-interactive-web-platform-demonstrates-link-between-voter-turnout-and-community-challenges Young and Latinos Voted in Higher Numbers in 2016 Primary Election /news/latino--young-voters-voted-higher-numbers-2016-primary-election <p>New data released today by the nonpartisan California Civic Engagement Project&nbsp;at UC Davis show that young and Latino voters in the state turned out in relatively high numbers for the June presidential primary election, significantly narrowing the participation gap for these historically underrepresented groups.&nbsp;</p> October 12, 2016 - 11:09am Kimberly L Hale /news/latino--young-voters-voted-higher-numbers-2016-primary-election UC Davis Holds Symposium on Marijuana Laws /news/uc-davis-holds-symposium-marijuana-laws <h4>What:</h4> <p>"Disjointed Regulation: State Efforts to Legalize Marijuana," a UC Davis Law Review Symposium, will feature scholars discussing major legal issues surrounding the legalization of marijuana in some states. Panel topics include federalism issues, the taxation and regulation of marijuana, and how state legalization could affect criminal justice and incarceration systems. Marijuana use for medicinal purposes is legal in more­ than 20 U.S. states and in Washington, D.C.</p> January 27, 2016 - 12:34pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/uc-davis-holds-symposium-marijuana-laws UC Davis to Present Research on How Demographics Affect Elections /news/uc-davis-present-research-how-demographics-affect-elections-0 <h3>What:</h3> <p>“As California goes, So Goes the Nation? U.S. Demographic Change and the Latino Vote,” Mindy Romero, founder and director of the California Civic Engagement Project, will be presenting new research that addresses the frequent question in the media, and by political analysts, of how demographic change in the United States will affect the nation's political landscape. For instance, there is speculation about how Latino population growth will affect the 2016 U.S. elections.</p> January 25, 2016 - 2:51pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/uc-davis-present-research-how-demographics-affect-elections-0