Templeton Colloquium Content / Templeton Colloquium Content for UC Davis en Art History Event Takes On Timely Topic of Race and Museums /news/art-history-event-takes-timely-topic-race-museums <p>During the past year, museums around the nation have been engaged in critical self-examinations of how they have addressed or failed to address issues of race in collections, exhibitions and programming. Many have released public statements acknowledging their shortcomings, the existence of systematic racism in the museum world, and in support of movements such as Black Lives Matter. Some museums have made a commitment to collect and exhibit more work by artists of color, and some have even sold works from their collections to purchase more art by Black artists.</p> February 16, 2021 - 10:00am Karen Michele Nikos /news/art-history-event-takes-timely-topic-race-museums Weekender: Arts Colloquium Friday Looks at Period of Enlightenment /arts/blog/weekender-arts-colloquium-friday-englightenment <p>Friday offers “Art and the Enlightenment,” an annual colloquium that will look at how 18th-century paintings are frequently at odds with Enlightenment ideals. Enjoy music that night.</p> February 21, 2019 - 4:14pm Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog/weekender-arts-colloquium-friday-englightenment