Marcela Uhart Content / Marcela Uhart Content for UC Davis en Elephant Seal Colony Declines One Year After Avian Flu Outbreak /health/news/elephant-seal-colony-declines-one-year-after-avian-flu-outbreak A year after an outbreak of H5N1 killed thousands of elephant seals, only about a third of the seals normally expected here returned, UC Davis scientists and partners estimate. A study chronicles the 2023 outbreak. November 11, 2024 - 2:00am Katherine E Kerlin /health/news/elephant-seal-colony-declines-one-year-after-avian-flu-outbreak La Colonia de Elefantes Marinos de Península Valdés Disminuye Un Año Después del Brote de Gripe Aviar /health/news/la-colonia-de-elefantes-marinos-de-peninsula-valdes-disminuye-un-ano-despues-del-brote-de Un año después de que un brote masivo de gripe aviar H5N1 altamente patógena matara a más de 17.000 elefantes marinos, os científicos estiman que solo regresaron alrededor de un tercio de los elefantes marinos esperados. November 11, 2024 - 2:00am Katherine E Kerlin /health/news/la-colonia-de-elefantes-marinos-de-peninsula-valdes-disminuye-un-ano-despues-del-brote-de H5N1 Is Increasingly Adapting to Mammals /health/news/h5n1-increasingly-adapting-mammals Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses are adapting to mammals in new ways that could have global consequences. UC Davis study finds clear evidence of mammal-to-mammal transmission. June 05, 2024 - 9:45am Katherine E Kerlin /health/news/h5n1-increasingly-adapting-mammals Avian Influenza Status Update /news/status-update-avian-influenza An interactive poultry map and on-the-ground monitoring help UC Davis scientists track the unprecedented expansion of avian flu among wildlife, poultry and other species.&nbsp; April 16, 2024 - 10:42am Malia N Reiss /news/status-update-avian-influenza Avian Influenza Virus Is Adapting to Spread to Marine Mammals /climate/news/avian-influenza-virus-adapting-spread-marine-mammals Avian influenza virus H5N1 has adapted to spread between birds and marine mammals, finds a study from UC Davis and partners in Argentina. February 28, 2024 - 8:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/avian-influenza-virus-adapting-spread-marine-mammals Elephant Seal Die-off in Argentina Caused by Bird Flu /climate/blog/elephant-seal-die-argentina-caused-bird-flu Avian influenza, or bird flu, caused the die-off of thousands of elephant seals in Argentina, reports researchers from UC Davis and Wildlife Conservation Society. January 22, 2024 - 3:53pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/blog/elephant-seal-die-argentina-caused-bird-flu Scientists Investigate Green Sea Turtle Tumor Disease /climate/news/scientists-investigate-green-sea-turtle-tumor-disease <p><span><span>A new epidemiological study of endangered juvenile green sea turtles in eastern Brazil suggests that factors such as water temperature, salinity and proximity to environmental stressors could trigger the development of a tumor disease associated with a herpesvirus.</span></span></p> August 31, 2023 - 8:00am Emily C Dooley /climate/news/scientists-investigate-green-sea-turtle-tumor-disease Zoonotic Disease in Dogs Rises in Southern Chile After Deworming Program Canceled /news/zoonotic-disease-dogs-rises-southern-chile-after-deworming-program-cancelled A parasitic disease in dogs increased in Tierra del Fuego after a deworming program was canceled, UC Davis found, presenting a risk to humans and animals. December 19, 2022 - 7:51am Katherine E Kerlin /news/zoonotic-disease-dogs-rises-southern-chile-after-deworming-program-cancelled Mange Outbreak Decimated a Wild Vicuña Population in Argentina /climate/news/mange-outbreak-decimated-wild-vicuna-population-argentina <p><span><span><span>Mange has decimated the population of wild vicuñas and guanacos in an Argentinian national park that was created to conserve them, according to a study from the Administration of National Parks in Argentina and the University of California, Davis. </span></span></span></p> January 21, 2022 - 11:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/mange-outbreak-decimated-wild-vicuna-population-argentina Expert Marcela Uhart on Wildlife Trade and Pandemics /news/expert-marcela-uhart-wildlife-trade-and-pandemics <p><a href="">Marcela Uhart</a>, a wildlife veterinarian with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, is available to discuss the intersections between pandemics, biodiversity loss and the wildlife trade. This is the focus of her expert contribution in a report released today by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.</p> October 29, 2020 - 7:00am Katherine E Kerlin /news/expert-marcela-uhart-wildlife-trade-and-pandemics