Ecology Content / Ecology Content for UC Davis en Shrubs Can Help or Hinder a Forest’s Recovery After Wildfire /climate/news/shrubs-can-help-or-hinder-forests-recovery-after-wildfire When and where to plant tree seedlings restore forests after wildfires has a lot to do with shrubs, finds a UC Davis study. December 16, 2024 - 10:12am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/shrubs-can-help-or-hinder-forests-recovery-after-wildfire How Students Dive into Marine Science at UC Davis /student-research/news/how-students-dive-into-marine-science What’s it like to take a summer session in a marine lab? Explore our undergraduate marine research from mussels’ byssal threads to ocean ecosystem impacts. October 24, 2023 - 9:15pm Jocelyn C Anderson /student-research/news/how-students-dive-into-marine-science Ph.D. Student Wins New Quad Fellowship /news/phd-student-wins-new-international-award <p><span>UC Davis student Sophia Simon, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in ecology, has received a&nbsp;</span><a href="">Quad Fellowship</a><span>. She is part of the fellowship’s first cohort of 100 exceptional science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduate students.</span></p> December 13, 2022 - 1:50pm Julia Ann Easley /news/phd-student-wins-new-international-award Unprecedented Arctic Wildfires Fuel Climate Warming Cycle /climate/news/unprecedented-arctic-wildfires-fuel-climate-warming-cycle In the Arctic, climate change is turning carbon sinks into carbon sources as wildfires send stored carbon up in smoke, explains UC Davis polar ecologist. November 08, 2022 - 3:13pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/unprecedented-arctic-wildfires-fuel-climate-warming-cycle Monitoring Forest Threats with New Open Forest Observatory /climate/blog/monitoring-forest-threats-new-open-forest-observatory The Open Forest Observatory project at UC Davis will use drones, mapping, AI, remote sensing and more to create a powerful tool to better monitor forest threats, like wildfire. September 21, 2022 - 11:53am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/blog/monitoring-forest-threats-new-open-forest-observatory Diversifying Agriculture to Control Pest Outbreaks /blog/diversifying-agriculture-control-pest-outbreaks <p>Newly published research led by UC Davis ecologist&nbsp;<a href="">Daniel Paredes</a>&nbsp;suggests that pest abundances are less variable in diverse landscapes comprised of multiple crop types and patches of natural habitat.</p> <p>"As a result, pest&nbsp;outbreaks are less likely in diverse landscapes," said Paredes, who analyzed a 13-year government database of diversified landscapes encompassing more than 1300 olive groves and vineyards in Spain. The database documented pests and pesticide applications.</p> May 17, 2022 - 3:15pm Andy Fell /blog/diversifying-agriculture-control-pest-outbreaks Invasive Species and Climate Change Impact Coastal Estuaries /news/invasive-species-and-climate-change-impact-coastal-estuaries Native species in California’s estuaries are expected to experience greater declines as invasive species interact with climate change. May 05, 2022 - 11:38am Katherine E Kerlin /news/invasive-species-and-climate-change-impact-coastal-estuaries Discovery Uncovers a New Leaf for Redwoods /climate/news/discovery-uncovers-new-leaf-redwoods <p><span><span><span>Redwoods are among the most well-studied trees on the planet, and yet their mysteries continue to surprise and delight scientists and nature lovers.&nbsp;</span></span></span></p> March 16, 2022 - 7:00am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/discovery-uncovers-new-leaf-redwoods Caribou and Muskoxen Buffer Climate Impacts for Rare Plants /climate/news/caribou-and-muskoxen-buffer-climate-impacts-rare-plants <p><span><span>Being common is rather unusual. It’s far more common for a species to be rare, spending its existence in small densities throughout its range. How such rare species persist, particularly in an environment undergoing rapid climate change, inspired a 15-year study in arctic Greenland from the University of California, Davis. </span></span></p> January 27, 2022 - 8:45am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/caribou-and-muskoxen-buffer-climate-impacts-rare-plants Personality Matters, Even for Squirrels /curiosity/news/personality-matters-even-squirrels-0 <p><span><span>Humans acknowledge that personality goes a long way, at least for our species. But scientists have been more hesitant to ascribe personality — defined as consistent behavior over time — to other animals. </span></span></p> September 10, 2021 - 10:00am Katherine E Kerlin /curiosity/news/personality-matters-even-squirrels-0