Insect flight Content / Insect flight Content for UC Davis en How Dragonflies Catch Prey in Midair /blog/how-dragonflies-catch-prey-midair <div class="media media--type-sf-video-media-type media--view-mode-default"> <div class="responsive-iframe field field--name-field-media-oembed-video field--type-string field--label-hidden field__item"> </div> </div> <p>Despite the</p> January 04, 2023 - 10:41am Andy Fell /blog/how-dragonflies-catch-prey-midair Bumblebees Carry Heavy Loads in Economy Mode /curiosity/news/bumblebees-carry-heavy-loads-economy-mode <p>Bumblebees are the big lifters of the insect world, able to fly back to the hive with almost their own body weight in nectar on board. A study published Feb. 5 in&nbsp;<em><a href="">Science Advances</a></em>&nbsp;shows how they do it 鈥� and that bees can show more flexibility in behavior than you might expect from a bumbling insect.&nbsp;</p> February 05, 2020 - 11:38am Andy Fell /curiosity/news/bumblebees-carry-heavy-loads-economy-mode