beans Content / beans Content for UC Davis en UC Davis Releases 6 New Varieties of Organic Beans /food/news/uc-davis-releases-6-new-varieties-organic-beans <p>Plant breeders at the University of California, Davis, are releasing six new varieties of organic beans. Field trials found that the new varieties produced high yields, and were resistant to bean common mosaic virus, a disease that prevents bean plants from maturing promptly and uniformly.</p> <p>“Bean common mosaic virus is responsible for serious yield losses in beans,” said Travis Parker, a Ph.D. student in plant biology and graduate student lead for the project. “There is no cure for the virus other than breeding for genetic resistance, which is why the project is so important.”</p> April 22, 2020 - 10:00am Amy M Quinton /food/news/uc-davis-releases-6-new-varieties-organic-beans