Face Masks Content / Face Masks Content for UC Davis en Biodegradable Face Mask is Design Challenge Entry /blog/biodegradable-face-mask-design-challenge-entry <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has made face masks an everyday sight. Unfortunately, it has also made used or discarded face masks a common item in trash and litter. Conventional face masks contain plastic materials that do not readily break down in the environment.</p> June 21, 2021 - 11:03am Andy Fell /blog/biodegradable-face-mask-design-challenge-entry Weekender: Alum Art at the Mall; Listen to a Podcast about MSM Exhibition; See a Film /arts/blog/weekender-alum-art-mall-listen-podcast-about-msm-exhibition-see-film Jessica Wimbley, a UC Davis’ MFA graduate and local artist, is one of 20 California artists helping spread the word about masking through art. May 25, 2021 - 2:19pm Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog/weekender-alum-art-mall-listen-podcast-about-msm-exhibition-see-film Speaking and Listening Seem More Difficult in a Masked World, But People Are Adapting /curiosity/news/speaking-and-listening-seem-more-difficult-masked-world-people-are-adapting <p>Ten months into COVID-19 living, people are adapting to speaking from behind, and understanding others who are wearing, a cloth face mask.</p> February 02, 2021 - 9:20am Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity/news/speaking-and-listening-seem-more-difficult-masked-world-people-are-adapting Why Masks? To Protect Your Community /coronavirus/news/why-masks-protect-your-community <p>As COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions ease and more businesses, bars and restaurants open, health experts and state officials are also seeing more confusion, disdain and even hostility toward wearing masks.</p> <p>California Gov. Gavin Newsom reacted last Thursday (June 18) by issuing an order requiring Californians to wear face coverings in “high-risk” settings that include any indoor public space, lines to enter those spaces and any setting where 6-foot social distancing is not feasible. (Yolo County has mandated face coverings since April 24.)</p> June 23, 2020 - 6:06pm Dave Jones /coronavirus/news/why-masks-protect-your-community