Agriculture Content / Agriculture Content for UC Davis en UC Davis Media Sources on Trade, Supply Chain /news/tariffs-and-trade-policies <p>UC Davis sources for media on tariffs and trade policies</p> March 05, 2025 - 10:52am Karen Michele Nikos /news/tariffs-and-trade-policies Understanding the Threat of Bird Flu /magazine/understanding-threat-bird-flu <p>Since 2022, a new, highly pathogenic strain of H5N1 influenza or “bird flu” has spread worldwide. In the U.S. it has affected over 100 million birds and for the first time, spread into dairy cows and a small, but growing, number of people. At UC Davis, experts in One Health — an approach that considers the health of people, animals and the environment together — are on high alert.&nbsp;</p><h2><strong>Nothing but death</strong></h2><p>Dead silence met Marcela Uhart and her team when they arrived at the elephant seal colony at Punta Delgada, Patagonia on Oct. 10, 2023.&nbsp;</p> August 19, 2024 - 9:50am Russell L Thebaud /magazine/understanding-threat-bird-flu Plant Biologist Venkatesan Sundaresan Wins 2024 Wolf Prize in Agriculture /news/plant-biologist-venkatesan-sundaresan-wins-2024-wolf-prize-agriculture <p><a href="">Venkatesan Sundaresan</a>, Distinguished Professor in the Departments of <a href="">Plant Biology</a> and <a href="">Plant Sciences</a> at the University of California, Davis, has been awarded a <a href="">2024 Wolf Prize in Agriculture</a> for key discoveries on plant developmental biology of relevance to crop improvement.</p> July 17, 2024 - 9:36am Andy Fell /news/plant-biologist-venkatesan-sundaresan-wins-2024-wolf-prize-agriculture Lynda and Stewart Resnick Center for Agricultural Innovation Groundbreaking /news/lynda-and-stewart-resnick-center-agricultural-innovation-groundbreaking Construction officially began on the Lynda and Stewart Resnick Center for Agricultural Innovation Wednesday with a groundbreaking event at the University of California, Davis. May 31, 2024 - 2:29pm Emily C Dooley /news/lynda-and-stewart-resnick-center-agricultural-innovation-groundbreaking Family Ties /magazine/family-ties At Boeger Winery, a close-knit family makes award-winning wines. February 20, 2024 - 2:20am Jocelyn C Anderson /magazine/family-ties Furry Forensics /magazine/furry-forensics UC Davis researchers are helping to develop methods to identify animal furs based on protein — and help enforce California's fur ban. February 20, 2024 - 2:20am Russell L Thebaud /magazine/furry-forensics Researchers Create App to Help Drones Improve Farm Efficiency /news/researchers-create-app-drones-improve-farm-efficiency <p><span><span><span><span><span>Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have developed a web application to help farmers and industry workers use drones and other uncrewed aerial vehicles, or UAVs, to generate the best possible data. By helping farmers use resources more efficiently, this advancement could help them adapt to a world with a changing climate that needs to feed billions. </span></span></span></span></span></p> October 26, 2023 - 2:00pm Andy Fell /news/researchers-create-app-drones-improve-farm-efficiency Heat Waves Harm Bird Reproduction on Agricultural Lands /climate/news/heat-waves-negatively-impact-bird-reproduction-agriculture Extreme heat diminishes bird reproductive success in agricultural landscapes more so than in forests, a UC Davis study found. October 19, 2023 - 11:00am Tiffany Dobbyn /climate/news/heat-waves-negatively-impact-bird-reproduction-agriculture Parasitic Weeds Threaten Tomato Plants on California Farms /food/news/parasitic-weeds-threaten-tomato-plants-on-california-farms UC Davis leads the way in sustainable agriculture, employing innovative research to combat the invasive broomrape weed threatening California's tomato industry. September 26, 2023 - 8:15am Jocelyn C Anderson /food/news/parasitic-weeds-threaten-tomato-plants-on-california-farms Climate Change Experts List /climate/news/climate-change-experts <p>The interdisciplinary nature of the University of California, Davis, yields a deep bench of <a href="">climate change</a> experts who can discuss with reporters various aspects of climate change and the many facets of life it touches.</p> <p>Find experts by category in the lists below:</p> August 05, 2023 - 12:14pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/climate-change-experts