Nuts Content / Nuts Content for UC Davis en Smoke From Megafires Puts Orchard Trees at Risk /food/news/smoke-megafires-puts-orchard-trees-risk UC Davis researchers say long-term smoke exposure from massive wildfires lowers the energy reserves of orchard trees and can cut their nut production by half. October 02, 2024 - 2:00pm Amy M Quinton /food/news/smoke-megafires-puts-orchard-trees-risk UC Davis Releases New Walnut Variety /food/news/uc-davis-releases-new-walnut-variety <p>UC Davis researchers have bred a new walnut variety, "UC Wolfskill," which will give growers a way to harvest earlier and boost harvest efficiency.&nbsp;</p> January 21, 2021 - 10:00am Amy M Quinton /food/news/uc-davis-releases-new-walnut-variety UC Davis cracks the walnut genome /news/uc-davis-cracks-walnut-genome <p>Scientists at the University of California, Davis, have for the first time sequenced the genome of a commercial walnut variety. The information should accelerate the rate of breeding and variety improvement in walnuts and help breeders select for desired traits such as insect and disease resistance, and drought tolerance.</p> December 10, 2015 - 12:00am IET WebDev /news/uc-davis-cracks-walnut-genome