Space Science Content / Space Science Content for UC Davis en The winds of Titan /news/winds-titan <p>As sand dunes march across the Sahara, vast dunes cross the surface of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. New research from a refurbished NASA wind tunnel reveals the physics of how particles move in Titan's methane-laden winds and could help to explain why Titan's dunes form in the way they do. The work is published online Dec. 8 in the journal <em>Nature</em>.</p> December 08, 2014 - 12:00am IET WebDev /news/winds-titan Funds awarded to begin construction of Large Synoptic Survey Telescope /news/funds-awarded-begin-construction-large-synoptic-survey-telescope <p>The National Science Foundation has agreed to support the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy to manage the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope construction project, with a budget of up to $473 million. The announcement caps more than 10 years of developing, planning and reviewing of the LSST concept.</p> August 04, 2014 - 3:15pm IET WebDev /news/funds-awarded-begin-construction-large-synoptic-survey-telescope Does probability come from quantum physics? /news/does-probability-come-quantum-physics <p>Ever since Austrian scientist Erwin Schrodinger put his unfortunate cat in a box, his fellow physicists have been using something called quantum theory to explain and understand the nature of waves and particles.</p> <p>But a new paper by physics professor Andreas Albrecht and graduate student Dan Phillips at the University of California, Davis, makes the case that these quantum fluctuations actually are responsible for the probability of all actions, with far-reaching implications for theories of the universe.</p> February 05, 2013 - 11:40am IET WebDev /news/does-probability-come-quantum-physics