Quantum Physics Content / Quantum Physics Content for UC Davis en New Thinking About the Multiverse /blog/new-thinking-about-multiverse <p>The concept of the multiverse, multiple versions of the same world existing side by side, is widespread in movies and television. In the real world, theoretical physicists are still grappling with the mathematics of multiple worlds. A <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.10895">new paper</a> by physicists at UC Davis takes a fresh look at the quantum math of multiple worlds, implying that there may be more possibilities than we imagine.&nbsp;</p> May 15, 2024 - 11:39am Andy Fell /blog/new-thinking-about-multiverse Taking the Arrow of Time out of the Equation /blog/taking-arrow-time-out-equation Exploring the boundary between the quantum world and the universe as we experience it, UC Davis scientists find that they can take time out of the equation. June 26, 2023 - 10:24am Andy Fell /blog/taking-arrow-time-out-equation Ultracold Atoms Enable Quantum Discoveries /news/ultracold-atoms-enable-quantum-discoveries <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Japanese and U.S. physicists have used atoms about 3 billion times colder than interstellar space to open a portal to an unexplored realm of quantum magnetism.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> September 06, 2022 - 3:34pm Andy Fell /news/ultracold-atoms-enable-quantum-discoveries Does probability come from quantum physics? /news/does-probability-come-quantum-physics <p>Ever since Austrian scientist Erwin Schrodinger put his unfortunate cat in a box, his fellow physicists have been using something called quantum theory to explain and understand the nature of waves and particles.</p> <p>But a new paper by physics professor Andreas Albrecht and graduate student Dan Phillips at the University of California, Davis, makes the case that these quantum fluctuations actually are responsible for the probability of all actions, with far-reaching implications for theories of the universe.</p> February 05, 2013 - 11:40am IET WebDev /news/does-probability-come-quantum-physics