Heart Content / Heart Content for UC Davis en The Quad Wears Red /news/quad-wears-red <figure role="group" class="caption caption-drupal-media align-right"> <div class="media media--type-sf-image-media-type media--view-mode-default"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/news/campus-news/red_ribbon_3.jpg" width="400" height="464" alt="Photo" typeof="Image"> </div> <figcaption>Maria Nguyen, majoring in neurobiology, physiology and behavior, gives this small tree a few extra wraps of red. (Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis)</figcaption> </figure> <p>Even the Quad is wearing red for UC Davis Wears Red Day.</p> February 03, 2016 - 12:01pm Dave Jones /news/quad-wears-red Put Your Heart Into This! /news/put-your-heart <p>Walk through a giant, inflatable heart to see what goes on in there! Learn hands-only CPR! Join a fun Zumba class for a good cardio workout! Pick up information on heart-healthy habits. It’s all part of our third annual UC Davis Wears Red Day, coming up this Friday (Feb. 5).</p> February 01, 2016 - 12:14pm Dave Jones /news/put-your-heart ‘Stayin’ Alive’: Wear Red Day Adds Hands-Only CPR Training /news/stayin-alive-wear-red-day-adds-hands-only-cpr-training <p>When Reem Fatayerji was a senior in high school, a good friend and fellow classmate died suddenly of a heart attack.</p> <section class="wysiwyg-feature-block "> <h3 class="wysiwyg-feature-block__title">At a glance</h3> <div class="wysiwyg-feature-block__body"> <p><strong>UC Davis Wears Red Day: Friday, Feb. 5</strong></p> <p>All events on Hutchison Field, inside and outside a tent. Hutchison Field is along La Rue Road, west of the west entry parking garage.</p></div></section> January 25, 2016 - 10:46am Dave Jones /news/stayin-alive-wear-red-day-adds-hands-only-cpr-training We're All Heart for Heart Health /news/think-red <p>This year’s UC Davis Wears Red Day, our third annual, to be held Friday, Feb. 5, will have not one but TWO giant hearts:&nbsp;the one we make together and&nbsp;the one we walk through.</p> January 19, 2016 - 12:20pm Dave Jones /news/think-red