Meditation Content / Meditation Content for UC Davis en Clifford Saron on the Scientific Study of Meditation /news/podcasts-and-shows/the-backdrop/episode/clifford-saron-scientific-study-meditation Neuroscientist Clifford Saron leads the Shamatha Project, one of the most ambitious and comprehensive longitudinal studies of meditation ever conducted. He discusses the study's findings so far; what science can tell us about the tangible effects of meditation; and how mindfulness affects our physical, mental and emotional health. April 27, 2022 - 9:43pm Soterios J Johnson /news/podcasts-and-shows/the-backdrop/episode/clifford-saron-scientific-study-meditation ‘The Backdrop’ Podcast Features Neuroscientist on the Scientific Study of Meditation /news/backdrop-podcast-features-neuroscientist-scientific-study-meditation <p><span>People have practiced various forms of meditation for thousands of years, usually in a religious context.<span>&nbsp; </span>But only recently has meditation be</span></p> May 02, 2022 - 9:00am Soterios J Johnson /news/backdrop-podcast-features-neuroscientist-scientific-study-meditation Can Meditation Improve How Well Your Brain Works and How You Handle Stress? /curiosity-gap/meditation-can-improve-how-well-your-brain-works-and-how-you-handle-stress <p>Researchers at UC Davis have found that meditation can improve your ability to pay attention and retain information.</p> <p>The study followed 60 experienced meditators who attended these three-month meditation retreats and received ongoing instruction in meditation techniques from Buddhist scholar, author and teacher B. Alan Wallace of the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies. They attended group meditation sessions twice a day and engaged in individual practice for about six hours a day.&nbsp;</p> September 25, 2018 - 4:03pm Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity-gap/meditation-can-improve-how-well-your-brain-works-and-how-you-handle-stress 7-Year Follow-Up Shows Lasting Cognitive Gains From Meditation /news/7-year-follow-shows-lasting-cognitive-gains-meditation <p>Gains in the ability to sustain attention developed through intensive meditation training are maintained up to seven years later, according to a new study based on the Shamatha Project, a major investigation of the cognitive, psychological and biological effects of meditation.</p> April 04, 2018 - 12:31pm Andy Fell /news/7-year-follow-shows-lasting-cognitive-gains-meditation Researcher Uses ‘Petitation’ — A Form of Meditation With Dog Companions /news/researcher-uses-petitation-form-meditation-dog-companion <p>Elisabeth Paige has long struggled with bipolar disorder, and had experimented with many forms of treatment. Medication provided some control of the illness, but she still experiences times of desperation and pain.</p> <p>Among the treatments, therapists suggested she meditate, which she agrees is one of the best ways to deal with many forms of mental illness, including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. But, she couldn’t do it.</p> May 01, 2017 - 3:13pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/researcher-uses-petitation-form-meditation-dog-companion NEWS BRIEFS: Mindfulness Meditation at Lunchtime /news/briefs-mindfulness-meditation-lunchtime <p>Dateline news briefs: Lunchtime Mindfulness Meditation sessions, students offering tax-preparation services, police accountability board meeting, more.</p> January 20, 2016 - 8:12am Cody Kitaura /news/briefs-mindfulness-meditation-lunchtime