Global Affairs Content / Global Affairs Content for UC Davis en Checking In With Chancellor May: Preparing Students for a World of Opportunity /news/checking-chancellor-may-preparing-students-world-opportunity <p><strong>To the UC Davis Community:</strong></p><p>The new academic year starts in just a few weeks and I look forward to seeing our campuses full of new and returning Aggies.</p><p>For many of our students, summer is a popular season to engage in global learning opportunities, and approximately 1,200 students are participating in study abroad programs this year.</p> August 16, 2024 - 9:55am Cody Kitaura /news/checking-chancellor-may-preparing-students-world-opportunity ‘Face to Face’: Building a Global Education /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/building-global-education <p class="MsoNormal">UC Davis is globally recognized as a leader in research, attracting students and faculty from around the world. But how does the university make the power of global education accessible to everyone?</p> <p class="MsoNormal">In the latest edition of <em>Face to Face</em>, Chancellor Gary S. May hosts Joanna Regulska, the vice provost and dean of <a href="">Global Affairs</a>.</p> December 19, 2023 - 10:40am Jose Antonio Vadi /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/building-global-education ‘Face to Face’: Standardizing Student Advising /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/standardizing-student-advising <p>Ask campus staff and faculty the best part about working at UC Davis and a common answer appears: the students.&nbsp;</p> <p>This week’s edition of Face to Face With Chancellor May features an interview with two campus leaders – <a href="">Kayton Carter</a> and <a href="">Stephanie Zarate</a> – about their roles in increasing advising opportunities for undergraduate Aggies to equip them for their futures.&nbsp;</p> October 31, 2023 - 11:32am Jose Antonio Vadi /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/standardizing-student-advising UC Davis Named Top Producer of Fulbright Students in 2022-23 /news/uc-davis-named-top-producer-fulbright-students-2022-23 <div class="align-right media media--type-sf-image-media-type media--view-mode-default"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/media/images/topproducerlogo2223embed.jpg" width="348" height="348" alt="Top Producer Logo for 2022-23" typeof="Image"> </div> <p><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN"><span><span>The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs named UC Davis a Fulbright Top Producing Institution for U.S. Students. This recognition is given to the U.S.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> February 10, 2023 - 6:11pm Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-named-top-producer-fulbright-students-2022-23 Weekender: Photo Contest Winners; Baroque Christmas and More /arts/blog/weekender-photo-contest-winners-baroque-christmas-and-more Bach Soloists present Messiah and other holiday favorites on Saturday; last weekend for Manetti Shrem until new year; photo contest winners. December 14, 2022 - 2:06pm Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog/weekender-photo-contest-winners-baroque-christmas-and-more Ph.D. Student Wins New Quad Fellowship /news/phd-student-wins-new-international-award <p><span>UC Davis student Sophia Simon, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in ecology, has received a&nbsp;</span><a href="">Quad Fellowship</a><span>. She is part of the fellowship’s first cohort of 100 exceptional science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduate students.</span></p> December 13, 2022 - 1:50pm Julia Ann Easley /news/phd-student-wins-new-international-award Summer Classes, Mentors Support Pakistani Women’s Growth /news/summer-classes-mentors-support-pakistani-womens-growth <p><span><span>Hijab Khan of Pakistan is an environmental engineering student 7,500 miles and a pandemic away from UC Davis. But still, she has inspired at least one student here, gained a mentor and had what she considers one of the most valuable experiences of her life. </span></span></p> <p><span><span>Khan is one of three female students from Pakistan who participated — virtually — in two summer courses and individual mentorships at UC Davis through the <a href="">U.S.-Sister2Sister Exchange Program</a>.</span></span></p> September 02, 2021 - 10:36am Julia Ann Easley /news/summer-classes-mentors-support-pakistani-womens-growth The Mandela Fellows Are Back (Virtually) /news/mandela-fellows-are-back-virtually <p>Mandela Fellows are “returning” Ƶ! Thirty young African leaders from 20 countries will participate in public management training that the fellows will then put to use in their homelands.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">UC Davis had planned to host its fifth cohort of fellows a year ago, until <span>&nbsp;</span>the pandemic forced the program’s cancellation. This summer’s program, which starts Monday (June 21), will be virtual.</p> June 18, 2021 - 11:29am Dave Jones /news/mandela-fellows-are-back-virtually UC Davis Joins Statements on UN, US Sustainability Goals /news/uc-davis-joins-statements-un-us-sustainability-goals <p>Chancellor Gary S. May is reaffirming UC Davis’ commitment to a better planet by joining with dozens of other university leaders around the world on statements calling for action on sustainability, equality, equitable economic growth and more.</p> May 04, 2021 - 1:14pm Cody Kitaura /news/uc-davis-joins-statements-un-us-sustainability-goals UC Davis Earns APLU’s Platinum Award for Global Learning, Research and Engagement /news/uc-davis-earns-aplus-platinum-award-global-learning-research-and-engagement <p>The University of California, Davis, has been named as the only university to earn the <a href="">2020 Platinum Institutional Award for Global Learning, Research and Engagement</a> from the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, or APLU.</p> November 10, 2020 - 9:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-earns-aplus-platinum-award-global-learning-research-and-engagement