Murder hornets Content / Murder hornets Content for UC Davis en All You Want To Know About Hornets /blog/all-you-want-know-about-hornets <p>There’s been much ado about hornets in the U.S. media lately, after a colony of the Asian giant hornet,&nbsp;<em>Vespa mandarinia</em>, was found and destroyed on Vancouver Island, British Columbia last year. Hornets are predators of other insects and a potential threat to beehives. But with no Asian giant hornets detected in North America so far this year, it’s highly unlikely that the so-called “murder hornet” poses a threat to U.S. apiculture. In any case, Asian beekeepers have long learned how to keep them out of hives.</p> May 14, 2020 - 8:01am Andy Fell /blog/all-you-want-know-about-hornets