First frame of the UC Davis drone video featuring the water tower at UC Davis

Undergraduate Admissions

Grow beyond
your expectations

UC Davis is one of the most prestigious public universities in the world for a reason. The university and the amazing college town of Davis are designed to help you grow beyond even your own expectations.

A smiling female student with Aggie colors painted on her cheeks

Our rankings

Admission resources

The admission process can be stressful. UC Davis has an abundance of resources to help you take the first step toward becoming an Aggie.

student working on a laptop

Top academics
at an affordable cost

UC Davis ranks second among affordable elite colleges, and the City of Davis offers a low cost of living and numerous discounts to students to make the student experience accessible to all.

A UC Davis graduate with an amazing mustache

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watercolor illustration of the highlights of the UC Davis campus including the eggheads, Mondavi Center, UC Davis Heloading=