Volunteer for Commencement!
Commencement is the perfect time for the UC Davis community to come together to celebrate the students. We’re inviting UC Davis employees, students, alumni and the greater community to volunteer to help us put on some fantastic ceremonies.
What to expect
There will be three ceremonies, one a day — gates opening at 6 a.m. — Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 10, 11 and 12. Volunteers can sign up for any or all of the ceremonies. After signing up, volunteers will need to register for a virtual and an in-person orientation, where they will receive their assignments, learn about their duties and get their lanyard, free T-shirt and clear crossbody bag to wear while volunteering.
Volunteer shifts will be from 5:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m, followed by lunch. We encourage volunteers to bike, bus or carpool if possible, as part of our effort. Due to traffic and parking congestion, volunteers who drive should plan on parking at the Hopkins Road Lot, which has been reserved for volunteers. Multiple shuttles will be running, starting at 4:45 a.m. transporting volunteers from the Hopkins Road Lot to Biggs Field, where volunteers will check in. There will be one shuttle running between the lot and the field after 5 a.m. as needed. Shuttles will also be available after the ceremonies to transport volunteers back to their vehicles.
When they arrive, volunteers should wear their T-shirts and use the clear bags they received at orientation. There will be no place for volunteers to store belongings during their shifts and the university is enforcing a clear bag policy at the ceremonies. At the check-in station on Biggs Field, volunteers will be able to pick up grab-and-go breakfast and snacks before reporting to their station, which will vary depending on what role they were assigned during orientation. Some volunteers may have multiple roles that will require them to report to different sites during the day. At each site, there will be volunteer leads who can help direct volunteers and answer any questions.
With duties ranging from handing out programs to lining up students to directing graduates to and from the stage, each volunteer will play an important role on the commencement days. Volunteers will be assigned roles at orientation and also be trained to perform their roles. There will be flexibility in roles in order to accommodate different abilities.
- Role list
- Floater (I'm up for anything!)
- Guest Driver (must complete online safety course)
- Drive our limited mobility students and guests to and from Lot 56 and Gate 3 in a golf cart. Drivers must possess a valid driver's license and successfully complete prior to volunteering.
- Guest Ticket Scanner
- Scan guest tickets outside the entry gates using a scanner provided by the Stadium Box Office. A green on the scanner means the ticket is valid and the guest can enter. A red means the ticket is invalid, either there is an error or it has been used already and the guest must go to the Box Office.
- Student Seater / Counter (some experience preferred)
- Before students arrive from Biggs Field, help seat students with limited mobility.
- As student lines arrive from Biggs Field, in teams of two (seater + counter), help manage student seating and promote positive conduct.
- When procession starts, guide students to stage lineup, and then hand-off to stage team for procession and recession.
- Student Arrival / Lineup
- Greet students arriving for lineup and point them toward check-in; answer general questions and point guests toward Stadium gates.
- Guide students into lines as assigned by college and provide assistance with gowns, caps and staying in line.
- VIP Greeter / Usher
- Escort faculty, stage party and other VIPS from Special Events Room to the field as directed.
- Student Registration
- Check-in students at Biggs Field, distribute photo cards with instructions and point students to lineup as assigned by college.
- Campus Guide
- Greet guests in parking areas and along walking paths, answer general questions, make sure they know about our clear bag policy and point them toward the direction of the stadium.
- Stage Support Team
- Hand students a scroll as they approach the stage, before they have their photo card scanned.
- Scan photo cards as students arrive to stage area for procession.
- After students receive a certificate scroll and have their photo card scanned, guide students on to the stage for procession and recession.
- After students walk the stage and get their photo with the chancellor, guide them off the stage via the ramp. Take stoles from student marshals, which happen in between college procession.
- After student exits the ramp, guide students back toward their seats and keep the line moving.
- Guest Greeter / Usher
- (Stadium) Welcome guests, hand out programs, distribute gifts to first 5,000 guests and answer general questions.
- (Stadium) Welcome guests past the distribution of programs, provide assistance to our guests with limited mobility, and help other VIP guests find seating.
- (University Credit Union Center) Welcome guests at the overflow area at the center, hand out programs and answer general questions.
- (University Credit Union Center) Welcome guests at the overflow area at the center, provide assistance to our guests with limited mobility, and help other guests find seating.
- Post-Event Hutchison Field Support
In order to receive the necessary instruction and supplies to perform their duties, every volunteer will need to attend an online orientation, as well as an on-site orientation.
Zoom orientation schedule
- Monday, June 6 at 10-11 a.m. |
- Tuesday, June 7 at 2-3 p.m. |
On-site orientation schedule
- Wednesday, June 8 at 3-4 p.m. | Meet at stadium Gate 3
- Thursday, June 9 at 11 a.m.-noon | Meet at stadium Gate 3
Sign up
If you're interested in signing up, please use the form below to do so. After signing up you will receive emails with further instructions as we get closer to commencement. Thank you!
Volunteer gifts
As a reward for your efforts we are offering some volunteer swag to those willing to put their time in for the UC Davis community and our graduates!

- Can I choose my role/assignment?
- Roles will be assigned to ensure we have enough volunteers performing each task. There will be flexibility in assignments in order to accommodate different abilities.
- Can I arrive after 5 a.m.?
- Because students will be arriving at 6 a.m. and stadium doors will be opening for guests at 6 a.m., we ask that volunteers check-in at 5 a.m. to ensure everything is prepared for the graduates and their friends and family.
- Can I park somewhere other than the Hopkins Road Lot?
- Due to traffic and parking congestion, volunteers who are driving to campus are asked to park in the Hopkins Road Lot to reserve parking for our guests.
- What if I can't attend both orientations?
- We are asking volunteers to attend both orientations to not only streamline the check-in process before the ceremonies, but also to ensure they have a full understanding of their roles and duties and are prepared and confident going into their shifts. For those who are unable to attend an online orientation, the session will be recorded and made available. In addition, there will be an opportunity for volunteers to pick up their T-shirts, lanyards, clear bags and water bottles as they check-in before their shifts if they could not attend an on-site orientation.
- Can employees get paid while volunteering?
While any employee may volunteer on their personal time, with supervisor approval:
Nonexempt (e.g., hourly) staff working commencement will be on pay status, including overtime as applicable
Exempt (e.g., salaried) staff will receive one full day off for each day they work commencement, to be taken on or before June 30