Coronavirus: Operations and Events

Find information here about the overall status of campus operations as well as events and activities, tours and more. We highlight some Yolo County resources.

Campus operations

UC Davis is committed to the safety and well-being of our community. We have a dedicated team working to inform our campus response, and we are working closely with the local public health department and the University of California Office of the President.

Plans for Fall Quarter 2020

On June 16, the campus announced plans to welcome students back to campus for the fall quarter. See the announcement.

Current Status

The Davis campus is moving from "suspended operations" to "reduced operations" in a gradual reopening.

Face Coverings Required

An order of the Yolo County public health authority continues the by most everyone in most circumstances when they are outside the home, including at work. Face coverings are available for UC Davis employees who continue to work on campus and do not have suitable coverings of their own. 

Reporting positive tests for COVID-19  

The campus reviews and verifies COVID-19 confirmed cases. Use the  when you have received a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis based on your own positive test result or the test result of someone with whom you share a residence — this is mandatory — or you have concerns about a member of the campus community having COVID-19. 


Information about the campus response to the pandemic is highlighted in , Dateline and posts to the campus News and Information Page. This Coronavirus website provides access to detailed information and other resources.

Events and activities


Chancellor Gary S. May announced on April 8 that spring commencements would be moved to virtual celebrations and the campus would explore holding an in-person commencement late in the calendar year. Graduate Studies and the professional schools are also considering in-person events late 2020 events.

An undergraduate commencement celebration will be held on June 12. Other online celebrations are as follows:

  • May 22 —
  • May 29 — School of Medicine
  • June 10 —
  • June 11 —
  • June 11 —

More information is available at commencement.ucdavis.edu.

Other event listings

An event listings page provides more information about how specific events and activities are affected.

Yolo County

Yolo County has a . Information is also available by calling the county's general COVID-19 information line at 530-666-8614.

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